Modeling of municipal waste landfill in QGIS environment (Case study of Zahedan city)
Subject Areas : Urban Environmentkhadijhe safari 1 , Seyed Ali Jozi 2 * , Sahar rezaian 3
1 - PhD student in Environment, Department of Environmental Management, Faculty of Science and Technology, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran.
2 - Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran.*(Corresponding Author)
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Shahroud Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran.
Keywords: Waste landing modeling, QGIS, Zahedan City, Software, PLUGIN,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Waste management, which is one of the most important tasks of metropolitan urban management around the world, is also one of the most complex and costly problems of urban management. Precise principles of locating different activities in the city Due to the nature of urban problems are very much solved. Lack of proper management and not choosing the right location for landfilling municipal waste creates problems for the environment. Material and Methodology: In this paper, method 3 is presented with the aim of modeling municipal landfills in QGIS environment in Zahedan city. First, the effective criteria in selecting the burial site according to the conditions of the region and with the opinion of experts (Delphi questionnaire) were examined and 18 sub-criteria were determined in two groups, ecological criteria and socio-economic criteria. All steps, except for determining the weight and examining the internal relationships of the criteria, were coded in the QGIS open source software and the location system of the municipal waste landfill was developed in the open source context. Findings: QGIS 3.16 software was used to build a landfill for Zahedan landfill. It is possible to use open source software to develop numerical numerical models in the process of assessing the suitability of land for landfill use. In general, the use of geographic information systems, the possibility of spatial analysis, analysis and storage, definition Different functions have provided appropriate visual representation in order to locate with different criteria, descriptive information of spatial and non-spatial data. Discussion and Conclusion: The results obtained in QGIS software are completely consistent with the results obtained from the implementation of the process in ARC GIS software. QGIS software is a suitable method with the aim of faster and smarter selection of landfill location criteria in Zahedan city.
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- Bemani, A. mozaffari , M. Erfani , M. 2021. Investigation on Thresholds of Criteria Affecting Site Selection of Municipal Landfills. Human and Environment, No. 59, Winter 2021, pp. 47-60. (In Persian)
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- Alavi Moghadam. R. Mokhtarani N. MokhtaraniB. 2018. MuicipalSolid Waste Mangement In City Iran Waste Mangement .doi: 10.1016/j. wasman. 08.02.029.
- Aliani H, BabaieKafaky S, Saffari A, Monavari SM. 2017. Land evaluation for ecotourism development—an integrated approach based on FUZZY, WLC, and ANP methods. Int J Environ Sci Technol 14(9): 1999-2008. doi: 10.1007/s13762-017-1291-5.
- Nasiri, Behrooz; Yarmoradi, Zahra; Abbasnejad, Javad. 1396. Location of landfill in Mako city by fuzzy and Boolean method. Geographical Planning Quarterly, Volume 7, Number 24, pp. 98. (In Persian)
- Fatai, Ibrahim; Al Sheikh, Ali. 1388. Locating municipal solid waste landfills using GIS and hierarchical analysis process. Journal of Environmental Sciences, Volume 6, Number 3, pp. 158-145. (In Persian)
- Shamsai Fard, Khodamrad; 2003. Location of Sanitary Landfill for Municipal Solid Waste Using Geographic Information System, Case Study: Boroujerd. End of Master's Name: Supervisor: Dr. Mohammad Soleimani, Teacher Training University, Tehran. (In Persian)
- Mallick, J.2021. Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Site Selection Based on Fuzzy-AHP and Geoinformation Techniques in Asir Region Saudi Arabia. Sustainability. 13, 1538.
- Ismail Kamdara, Shahid Alib, Adul Bennuic, Kuaanan Techatod, e, Warangkana Jutidamrongphand.2019. Municipal solid waste landfill siting using an integrated GIS-AHP approach: A case study from Songkhla, Thailand. ScienceDirect. Resources, Conservation & Recycling. 149 220–235.
- Ajibade, F. O, Olajire, O. O, Ajibade, T. F, Nwogwu, N. A, Lasisi, K. H, Alo, A. B, ... & Adewumi, J. R. 2019.Combining multicriteria decision analysis with GIS for suitably siting landfills in a Nigerian State. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators3, 100010.
- Karimi, H, Herki, B. M, Gardi, S. Q, Galali, S, Hossini, H, Mirzaei, K, & Pirsaheb.2020. Site selection and environmental risks assessment of medical solid waste landfill for the City of Kermanshah-Iran. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 1-13.
- Pasalari, P , P Nabizadeh Nodehi. R, Hossein Mahvi. A , Yaghmaeian . K , Charrahi . 2019. Landfill site selection using a hybrid system of AHP-Fuzzy in GIS environment: A case study in Shiraz city, Iran. ScienceDirect. MethodsX 6 1454–1466.
- Statistical Yearbook of Sistan and Baluchestan Province.
- Pendashteh A, Ghavidel A. 2015. (Proposing waste management methods in rural areas of Guilan province). Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 17 (1), 115-123.
- K.1400. Presenting a Conceptual Model of Land Suitability Evaluation for Locating Municipal Landfill (Case Study of Zahedan County). Ph.D Thesis for receiving Environmental Management - Environmental Management. Islamic Azad University North Tehran Branch. (In Persian)
- Karimi, Saeed 2014. Textbook of GIS application in environment. Tehran School of Environment Publications. (In Persian)
- Soroudi, Mona. 2018. Land suitability assessment of Tehran Provience for landfill sitting .Islamic Azad University Science And Research Brac. (In Persian)
- Moghaddas, N.H. and Namaghi, H.H. 2011. Hazardous waste landfill site selection in Khorasan Razavi Province, Northeastern Iran. Arabian journal of geosciences, 4(1-2), pp.103-113.
- Management and Planning Organization. 1380. Design, implementation, maintenance and operation of sanitary landfills for municipal waste. Deputy for Support Affairs, Center for Scientific Documents and Publications. (Persian)
- Şener, B., Süzen, M.L. and Doyuran, V. 2006. Landfill site selection by using geographic information systems. Environmental geology, 49(3), pp.376-388.
- Environmental Protection Organization. 1380. Instructions for locating landfills for sanitary engineering of waste. Water and Soil Pollution Survey Office. (In Persian)
- Afzali, A. Zarandi, A. 1398. Feasibility study of establishing a common landfill for solid waste in Khomeini Shahr and neighboring cities using Fuzzy Logic. Environmental Science and Technology, Volume 21, Number One, April. (In Persian)
- Bemani, A. mozaffari , M. Erfani , M. 2021. Investigation on Thresholds of Criteria Affecting Site Selection of Municipal Landfills. Human and Environment, No. 59, Winter 2021, pp. 47-60. (In Persian)
- Chen,Y. J, Khan S. 2016. Spatial sensitivity analysisof multi-criteria weights in GIS-based land suitabilityevaluation. Environmental Modeling & Software 25 (12),1582.