The Experience of Creating Intelligent, Green and Garden City of Putrajaya, Malaysia
Subject Areas : Sustainable cities
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University of Tehran
Keywords: Urban sustainability, green city, intelligent city, Garden City,
Abstract :
Background and Objective: Following the problems caused by population growth and depletion of infrastructure resources in the Malaysian capital city, and based on the government decisions in 1993, the idea of forming an administrative capital of the country, with the name "Putrajaya", was proposed. This city has been designed as a sample city with maximum attention to the nature and environment, and one of the significant points in the process of planning, designing and constructing, it has been the speed of action. Material and Methodology: This research has introduced the formation of this green city by examining library resources and studying the relevant documents as well as reviewing related sites. Results: The city of Putrajaya was formed by considering the three important concepts as Garden-City, Green City and Smart City and the general approaches to its planning and designing include Planning for Neighborhood Spaces, Reviewing and Reviving the Traditional Identity of the City, the Supporting City, emphasizing on the Public Transportation, paying Attention to Urban Image and Urban Identity, Urban Ecology Approach, Environmental Architecture and Urban Sustainability Management. Discussion and Conclusion: In fact, the process of formation of this city has been a symbol of power and progress of Malaysia and it shows the fact that theoretical ideas and concepts such as garden-city, green city and smart city have the ability to be implemented and have not remained just as an idea. Finally, the development of Putrajaya city has significantly affected various social, political, cultural and tourism aspects of Malaysia, and the combination of these factors has made this city a unique example in the new millennium that can be a model for repetition in other cities and countries with similar conditions.
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