Assess the Level of Security in Informal Settlements (Case Study: Hakim Nezami Neighborhood-Urmia)
Subject Areas :
Nima Bayramzadeh
Zakaria Ahmadyan
Abbaszadeh Shiva
Yaser Mostafazadegan Henareh,
1 - M.A in Urban planning, Young Researchers and Elite Club, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
2 - Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran.
3 - BSc in Law, University of Applied Sciences, Urmia University Jahad Branch, Urmia, Iran.
4 - BSc in Law, Islamic Azad University, Urmia Branch, Urmia, Iran.
Keywords: Security, Urmia, Informal settlement, crime reduction,
Abstract :
The purpose of identifying crime hotspots is to classify and assess security by reducing crime prevention through environmental design, and given that this is more pronounced in informal settlements, this research has been studied in Hakim Nezami neighborhood of Urmia. The present article is descriptive-analytical and applied. The method of data collection has been done in two ways: documentary and field. The statistical population is all the residents of Hakim Nezami neighborhood of Urmia, which according to the statistics of 1397, is 33,000 people, of which 379 people have been selected according to Cochran's formula and stratified random method. Data analysis has been done both quantitatively and qualitatively, in the quantitative dimension of statistical methods and in the qualitative dimension, the results of field observations and interviews have been analyzed. Examination of the results shows that using the neighborhood spatial data, the security of the western part is better than the eastern part of the neighborhood. According to the questionnaire data, the components of Natural Surveillance, Natural Accsess Control, Maintenance and support activities are in a higher position than the average level and the component of Territorial Reinforcement is in a lower position than the average level. This indicates the average level of security in this neighborhood. Also, according to the results of Friedman test, the component of Maintenance was in the first rank and the component of Territorial Reinforcement was in the last rank, which requires the adoption of strategies to maintain and increase security in this neighborhood.