Mitigation of the COVID 19 Pandemics in tectonically active areas.
Subject Areas :
1 - School of Environmental Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi-110067 INDIA
Keywords: Microbial infection, Earthquake in Delhi, Quality of Groundwater,
Abstract :
Tectonically active areas when release hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) it can kill the COVID 19 virus naturally in the environment. COVID 19 contaminations can be controlled by identifying tectonically active areas in India and other similar terrain globally. Using high resolution satellite data it is possible to infer the changes in the surface manifestations in terms of changes in, vegetation vigor, lineament and other landform features. Thermal scanners by drones and field observations can identify potential fractures and faulted areas to release hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). In ferruginous quartzite, granite and other hard rocky terrain the natural release of hydrogen peroxide by micro tremor in presence of moisture content can mitigate the Corona virus by killing it insitu naturally as public health medicine. If this hypothesis is proved experimentally it will be a new finding and a great relief to the humanity across the world.National Capital Region of India has shown influence of neotectonic activities, which has changed the groundwater quality in Delhi Haryana region. Monitoring of stress within bedrocks along active fault zones have been under observation for detecting premonitory earth quake signals. Common crustal high grade metamorphic and igneous rocks contain peroxy defects which remain dormant until the rock experiences stress. These stress-activated defects form highly reactive oxygen species (ROS) which produce electric currents. At the rock-water interface, the ROS can combine with groundwater to produce hydrogen peroxide giving an indirect measure of the underlying rock stress along active fault planes within hard rock aquifers and deep thermal springs1. Disruption within the ground layers can influence both the quality and quantity of groundwater within aquifers. This change can be brought about due to mixing of water between different aquifers, influx of water from surrounding areas, changes in dissolved gas concentrations and mineral dissolution at the rock-water interface or through the infiltration of pollutants from soil or ground surface,
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