A Model for Locating Urban Waste Disposal (Case Study : Rine Larijan Township)
Subject Areas : Environmental planningMaryam Shabani 1 * , abdollah hydaryeih 2
1 - Semnan Islamic Azad University
2 - department management, semnan branch. Islamic azad university. semnan. iran
Keywords: GIS, Waste, Analytical hierarchy of data, Disposal location Municipal,
Abstract :
In today’s society solid waste management is one of the most important concerns of mankind. Increasing waste volume and diversification of waste has added to the complexity of waste collection and disposal.Landfill if not handled property will cause contamination of water, soil and air…According to the latest census of the year, the fixed population of the city of Rhine is 982 people. The population reaches about 3000 to 4000 people in the four monthes of the year. On average, the amount of waste product in in the city of Rhine is between 3 and 3.5 tonnes per day. In the city of Rhine, landfill and incineration methods are used to dispose of municipal solid wasre. Therefore, choosing the right location for landfill is important.In the present study, it has been attempted to identify the best location for landfill sanitation considering ecological factors in order to minimize environmental damage. For this purpose, the location of municipal solid waste landfill was determined by using spatial analysis in GIS environment. The required digital data were collected for this purpose and using the hierarchical analytical method of AHP, the criteria were evaluated and then taken to the GIS environment. Due to limitations in the initial data collection, several factors were not taken into account, including the distance between walls and groundwater. In future research, by carefully examining all the factors, one can increase the accuracy and specify a more accurate burial site.
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