Flood risk in Khuzestan province by integrating satellite and hydrological data
Subject Areas :
Peyman Tahmasebi
Saadi Biglari-Gholdareh
pegah golmohammadi
bakhtiar karimi
amin karimifam
1 - Water science and engineering, agriculture, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamadan and Iran
2 - Master's degree in GIS Remote Sensing, Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran, Tehran,
3 - Master's student in water engineering, water resources of Kurdistan University, Kurdistan, Iran
4 - University of Kurdistan
5 - Master's degree in GIS Remote Sensing, Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran, Tehran,
Keywords: Flood, risk assessment, hierarchical analysis, fuzzy logic, Khuzestan province,
Abstract :
Flood is one of the main natural disasters and an important global issue, so that with the increase in the occurrence of floods, the concerns about the increase in death and economic losses due to it increase. Floods occur every year in Iran due to its large size, climatic diversity, land use changes and changes in the temporal and spatial scales of rainfall. The current research is based on the combination of Fuzzy and Hierarchical (AHP) logic models to assess the flood risk of Khuzestan catchment areas. In this research, the parameters of maximum precipitation, distance from waterway, density of waterway, vegetation and slope were used. Digital maps of parameters were prepared using ArcGIS 10.3 software. The probability of flood occurrence for each class of each factor and the importance of each factor compared to other factors in the occurrence of floods were checked by expert opinions and the corresponding weights were calculated in Arc GIS 10.3 software. The obtained weights for each class were applied to the corresponding layers. Finally, flood probability maps of the investigated area were prepared and the vulnerability was evaluated in 5 classes: very high, high, medium, low and very low. The results indicate that the precipitation factor has the greatest impact on the occurrence of floods and the lowest impact is related to the vegetation factor, and of the total area of 6292521 hectares of Khuzestan province, 9.74% is in the very low risk assessment class; 53.47% low risk assessment; 21.10% of moderate risk assessment, 6.97% high risk assessment and 8.69% very high risk assessment.
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