Vegetation classification based on wetland index using object based classification of satellite images (Case study: Anzali wetland)
Subject Areas : Natural resources and environmental managementMaryam Haghighi Khomami 1 * , Mohammad Javad Tajaddod 2 , Mokaram Ravanbakhsh 3 , Fariborz Jamalzad Fallah 4
1 - Instructor of Natural Environment Research Group, Academic Center for Education Culture & Research (ACECR), Environmental Research Institute, Rasht, Iran
2 - MSc. Environmental Planning, Natural Environment Research Group, Academic Center for Education Culture & Research (ACECR), Environmental Research Institute, Rasht, Iran
3 - Instructor of Natural Environment Research Group, Academic Center for Education Culture & Research (ACECR), Environmental Research Institute, Rasht, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor, Natural Environment Research Group, Academic Center for Education Culture & Research (ACECR), Environmental Research Institute, Rasht, Iran
Keywords: remote sensing, Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), Classification, Anzali Wetland, Wetland plants index,
Abstract :
Background and ObjectiveRecently, a lot of studies have been done in Anzali wetland as one of the most important wetlands of Ramsar Convention, which has a high cost due to the nature and geographical location of the wetland. Advances in technology have made it possible to evaluate natural environments more accurately, fast, and low cost with remote sensing data due to their easy accessibility, high accuracy, extensive and reproducible coverage in terms of time and space, and information extraction in a relatively short time. Because one of the most important problems in studying vegetation changes is the lack of accurate spatial information over time. Satellite imagery and remote sensing technology make it possible to achieve a better program for environmental management by relying on the information produced by it. In this study, the vegetation classification of Anzali wetland was done by using the technique of Object base classifications of Landsat image incorporation with fieldwork based on the wetland index of plants as well as the vegetation index (NDVI) of the study area were analyzed. Wetland vegetation classification maps can be used to identify the amount and type of cover and planning to maintain and rehabilitate the wetland. Materials and Methods In this study, a vegetation map based on the wetland index is considered as one of the required criteria for ecological demarcation of wetlands. First, the general vegetation areas of the wetland on the coast and around it were identified. Then, vegetation data of wetland aquatic species were collected from different wetland areas in 0.25 m2 plots. In the land margin area, the wetland species of the wetland margin were collected with a 1 m2 plot. A total of 42 plots were collected during the spring and summer of 2019. After preparing the required images, their preprocessing including geometric, atmospheric, radiometric corrections and image enhancement were performed using ENVI. Landsat 8 Image on July 29, 1998, with a spatial resolution of 30 meters was used to classify vegetation and prepare a map of vegetation index (NDVI) and image of Sentinel-2 satellite (July 98) due to 10 m of the ground resolution was used to combine with Landsat 8 data as auxiliary data in image classification. The combining of these two images improves the spatial resolution also preserves the spectral values of the multispectral image. The object-based classification was performed on the integrated Landsat 8 image using training data from field work. The classification accuracy was evaluated for each class using experimental samples as ground control points and the classification error matrix was extracted. Results and Discussion First, the dominant plants and representatives of their wetland index were identified by field work. Then, the relative percentage of dominant plant cover at the sampling site was calculated according to the standard list of identified plant species, and Plants were divided into two groups of wetland and non-wetland based on the wetland index. From the classification of plot species in 42 plots, 180 plant species were identified in 124 genera and 48 families. Also, four groups of wetland plants were: obligate wetland plants (OBL), facultative and obligate wetland plants (OBL & FACW), facultative upland, and facultative wetland plants (FACU & FACW), and facultative wetland plants (FACW). A vegetation map was prepared from a combination of terrestrial samples and object base classification of the 2019 Landsat satellite OLI image sensor. The accuracy of the classified maps was evaluated based on the kappa coefficient and overall accuracy. The overall accuracy is 88.62% and the kappa coefficient is 84%. The Plant distribution was determined based on satellite image classification: OBL plants were observed in the water zone (west and Sorkhankol wetland margin), FACW plants were observed mostly in the dry margin and mainly in the southwest of the wetland (Siahkeshim wetland) and Choukam Wildlife Sanctuary in the eastern part of the wetland, OBL & FACW group with less uniform distribution was observed in the whole area and FACU & FACW group was observed in a small part in Choukam, north, and northwest of the wetland. The percentage of vegetation density map retrieved from the NDVI index shows the distribution of dense vegetation cover in different parts of the wetland and the limitation of the water level of the wetland bed. Conclusion The results of the satellite imagery study and their classification according to terrestrial samples showed that the spread and dispersal of obligate wetland species (OBL) were limited to water parts of the wetlands so that the highest distribution of these plants were in the west of the Anzali wetland and Sorkhankol. The spread of facultative wetland species (FACW) was in the arid areas of the wetland, which indicates the upland areas of the wetland in Siahkeshim (southwest) and Choukam (east). The result of image classification showed the percentage of plant group in each class: the agricultural class (with a present level of 23.9%) and the group of facultative species (FACW) (with a present level of 23.6% and mostly Phragmites, Alnus, and Salix species) have the top percentage of image classification classes of Anzali Wetland. This indicates more presence of facultative species compared to obligate species of wetland (OBL) (with a present level of 10.1%) and the level of agricultural land occupation, showed the wetland drying. The percentage of vegetation at the wetland level was assessed with the vegetation index (NDVI), most of which belongs to dense vegetation. Due to the fact that the satellite image is related to the summer season, this map shows the distribution of vegetation in different parts and the water level of the wetland bed, which has reduced the amount of water levels in the wetland. Periodic review of vegetation and its ecological changes provides useful information on changes in the water and ecological resources of the wetland to plan for its maintenance as an important ecosystem in the region.
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Behrouzi Rad B. 1998. The value of wetlands and the role of the Ramsar Convention in their protection. Journal of Environmental Science, 10(34): 2-24. (In Persian).
Behrouzi Rad B. 2008. Iran Wetlands. Published by Geographical Organization of the Army Press. 812 p. (In Persian).
Darwish T, Faour G. 2008. Rangeland degradation in two watersheds of Lebanon. Lebanese Science Journal, 9(1): 71-80.
Feizizadeh B, Helali H. 2010. Comparison pixel-based, object-oriented methods and effective parameters in Classification Land cover/land use of west province Azerbaijan. Physical Geography Research Quarterly, 42(71): 73-84. (In Persian).
Ghafari S, Moradi HR, Modarres R. 2018. Comparison of object-oriented and pixel-based classification methods for land use mapping (Case study: Isfahan-Borkhar, Najafabad and Chadegan plains). Journal of RS and GIS for Natural Resources, 9(1): 40-57. (In Persian).
Hajibigloo M, Sheikh V, Memarian H, Komaki CB. 2020. Determination of quantity and allocation disagreement indices in selection of appropriate algorithm for land use classification in pixel and objected base in Gorgarood river basin. Journal of RS and GIS for Natural Resources, 10(4): 1-20. (In Persian).
Hammer DA. 2014. Creating freshwater wetlands. CRC Press, 345 p.
Healey SP, Cohen WB, Zhiqiang Y, Krankina ON. 2005. Comparison of Tasseled Cap-based Landsat data structures for use in forest disturbance detection. Remote Sensing of Environment, 97(3): 301-310. doi:
Hosseinjani A, Ahmadnejad M, Mahdizade G, Sadeghinejad Masouleh E, Sohrabi T, Saberi H. 2017. Study of Aquatic Plant Biomass Assessment and their relationship with environment parameters in west of Anzali wetland. Wetland Ecobiology, 9(1): 69-78. (In Persian).
Jackson S. 1995. Delineating bordering vegetated wetlands: under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act: a handbook. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Wetlands and Waterways, 86 p.
Khodabandehlou B, Khavarian Nehzak H, Ghorbani A. 2019. Change detection of land use/land cover using object oriented classification of satellite images (Case study: Ghare Sou basin, Ardabil province). Journal of RS and GIS for Natural Resources, 10(3): 76-92. (In Persian).
Klonus S, Ehlers M. 2007. Image fusion using the Ehlers spectral characteristics preservation algorithm. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 44(2): 93-116. doi:
Lee T-M, Hui-Chung Y. 2009. Applying remote sensing techniques to monitor shifting wetland vegetation: A case study of Danshui River estuary mangrove communities, Taiwan. Ecological Engineering, 35(4): 487-496. doi:
Magee TK, Ringold PL, Bollman MA. 2008. Alien species importance in native vegetation along wadeable streams, John Day River basin, Oregon, USA. Plant Ecology, 195(2): 287-307. doi:
Malmiran H. 2004. Tematic mapping from satellite imagery: A guide book. Publications of the Geographical Organization of the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Support, Iran. third edition. 280 p. (In Persian).
McFeeters SK. 1996. The use of the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) in the delineation of open water features. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(7): 1425-1432. doi:
Nezhad AT, Amrgholipour Kasmani V, Ghahramani Nezhad F. 2013. Biomass estimation of dominant aquatic plants andtheir plant community impacts in four importantwetlands of Babol, Mazandaran province. Applied Biology, 26(1): 57-67. (In Persian).
Pettorelli N, Vik JO, Mysterud A, Gaillard J-M, Tucker CJ, Stenseth NC. 2005. Using the satellite-derived NDVI to assess ecological responses to environmental change. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 20(9): 503-510. doi:
Rahmani S, Ebrahimi A, Davoudian A. 2017. Comparison of three methods of vegetation/land cover mapping, including remote sensing, physiographic and geomorphologic. Journal of Range and Watershed Management, 70(3): 661-680. (In Persian).
Rogan J, Franklin J, Roberts DA. 2002. A comparison of methods for monitoring multitemporal vegetation change using Thematic Mapper imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment, 80(1): 143-156. doi:
Salman Mahini A, Kamyab H. 2010. Applied Remote Sensing and GIS with IDRISI, Mehr Mahdis, 608 p. (In Persian).
Sefidian S, Salman Mahini A, Mir Karimi SH, Hassan ANA. 2015. Vegetation classification based on wetland indicator using remote sensing and field survey (Case study: International Alagol wetland). Wetland Ecobiology, 7(2): 5-22. (In Persian).
Sefidian S, Salmanmahiny A, Mirkarimi H, Hasan Abassi N. 2016. The ecological boundaries of semi-arid wetland using a protocol enhanced by bird indicators: The international Alagol wetland of Iran. Environmental Resources Research, 4(1): 91-110. doi:
Seto KC, Woodcock C, Song C, Huang X, Lu J, Kaufmann R. 2002. Monitoring land-use change in the Pearl River Delta using Landsat TM. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23(10): 1985-2004. doi:
Tiner RW. 1993. The primary indicators method-a practical approach to wetland recognition and delineation in the United States. Wetlands, 13(1): 50-64. doi:
Zare Chahouki M, Khojasteh F, Yousefi M, Farsoudan A, Shafizade Nasrabady M. 2013. Evaluation of different plot shape, size, and number for sampling in middle Taleghan rangelands. Whatershed Management Research, 26(2): 133-139. (In Persian).
Zebardast l, Jafari H. 2011. Use of remote sensing in monitoring the trend of changes of Anzali wetland in Iran and proposing environmental management solution. Journal of Environmental Studies, 37(57): 1-8. (In Persian).
_||_Al-Wassai FA, Kalyankar N, Al-Zuky AA. 2011. Arithmetic and frequency filtering methods of pixel-based image fusion techniques. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science 8(3): 122-133. arXiv preprint arXiv:1107.3348.
Baatz M, Schape A. 2000. Multiresolution Segmentation: An Optimization Approach for High Quality Multi-Scale Image Segmentation. In: Strobl, J., Blaschke, T. and Griesbner, G., Eds., Angewandte Geographische Informations-Verarbeitung, XII, Wichmann Verlag, Karlsruhe, Germany, 12-23.
Behrouzi Rad B. 1998. The value of wetlands and the role of the Ramsar Convention in their protection. Journal of Environmental Science, 10(34): 2-24. (In Persian).
Behrouzi Rad B. 2008. Iran Wetlands. Published by Geographical Organization of the Army Press. 812 p. (In Persian).
Darwish T, Faour G. 2008. Rangeland degradation in two watersheds of Lebanon. Lebanese Science Journal, 9(1): 71-80.
Feizizadeh B, Helali H. 2010. Comparison pixel-based, object-oriented methods and effective parameters in Classification Land cover/land use of west province Azerbaijan. Physical Geography Research Quarterly, 42(71): 73-84. (In Persian).
Ghafari S, Moradi HR, Modarres R. 2018. Comparison of object-oriented and pixel-based classification methods for land use mapping (Case study: Isfahan-Borkhar, Najafabad and Chadegan plains). Journal of RS and GIS for Natural Resources, 9(1): 40-57. (In Persian).
Hajibigloo M, Sheikh V, Memarian H, Komaki CB. 2020. Determination of quantity and allocation disagreement indices in selection of appropriate algorithm for land use classification in pixel and objected base in Gorgarood river basin. Journal of RS and GIS for Natural Resources, 10(4): 1-20. (In Persian).
Hammer DA. 2014. Creating freshwater wetlands. CRC Press, 345 p.
Healey SP, Cohen WB, Zhiqiang Y, Krankina ON. 2005. Comparison of Tasseled Cap-based Landsat data structures for use in forest disturbance detection. Remote Sensing of Environment, 97(3): 301-310. doi:
Hosseinjani A, Ahmadnejad M, Mahdizade G, Sadeghinejad Masouleh E, Sohrabi T, Saberi H. 2017. Study of Aquatic Plant Biomass Assessment and their relationship with environment parameters in west of Anzali wetland. Wetland Ecobiology, 9(1): 69-78. (In Persian).
Jackson S. 1995. Delineating bordering vegetated wetlands: under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act: a handbook. Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Wetlands and Waterways, 86 p.
Khodabandehlou B, Khavarian Nehzak H, Ghorbani A. 2019. Change detection of land use/land cover using object oriented classification of satellite images (Case study: Ghare Sou basin, Ardabil province). Journal of RS and GIS for Natural Resources, 10(3): 76-92. (In Persian).
Klonus S, Ehlers M. 2007. Image fusion using the Ehlers spectral characteristics preservation algorithm. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 44(2): 93-116. doi:
Lee T-M, Hui-Chung Y. 2009. Applying remote sensing techniques to monitor shifting wetland vegetation: A case study of Danshui River estuary mangrove communities, Taiwan. Ecological Engineering, 35(4): 487-496. doi:
Magee TK, Ringold PL, Bollman MA. 2008. Alien species importance in native vegetation along wadeable streams, John Day River basin, Oregon, USA. Plant Ecology, 195(2): 287-307. doi:
Malmiran H. 2004. Tematic mapping from satellite imagery: A guide book. Publications of the Geographical Organization of the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Support, Iran. third edition. 280 p. (In Persian).
McFeeters SK. 1996. The use of the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) in the delineation of open water features. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17(7): 1425-1432. doi:
Nezhad AT, Amrgholipour Kasmani V, Ghahramani Nezhad F. 2013. Biomass estimation of dominant aquatic plants andtheir plant community impacts in four importantwetlands of Babol, Mazandaran province. Applied Biology, 26(1): 57-67. (In Persian).
Pettorelli N, Vik JO, Mysterud A, Gaillard J-M, Tucker CJ, Stenseth NC. 2005. Using the satellite-derived NDVI to assess ecological responses to environmental change. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 20(9): 503-510. doi:
Rahmani S, Ebrahimi A, Davoudian A. 2017. Comparison of three methods of vegetation/land cover mapping, including remote sensing, physiographic and geomorphologic. Journal of Range and Watershed Management, 70(3): 661-680. (In Persian).
Rogan J, Franklin J, Roberts DA. 2002. A comparison of methods for monitoring multitemporal vegetation change using Thematic Mapper imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment, 80(1): 143-156. doi:
Salman Mahini A, Kamyab H. 2010. Applied Remote Sensing and GIS with IDRISI, Mehr Mahdis, 608 p. (In Persian).
Sefidian S, Salman Mahini A, Mir Karimi SH, Hassan ANA. 2015. Vegetation classification based on wetland indicator using remote sensing and field survey (Case study: International Alagol wetland). Wetland Ecobiology, 7(2): 5-22. (In Persian).
Sefidian S, Salmanmahiny A, Mirkarimi H, Hasan Abassi N. 2016. The ecological boundaries of semi-arid wetland using a protocol enhanced by bird indicators: The international Alagol wetland of Iran. Environmental Resources Research, 4(1): 91-110. doi:
Seto KC, Woodcock C, Song C, Huang X, Lu J, Kaufmann R. 2002. Monitoring land-use change in the Pearl River Delta using Landsat TM. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 23(10): 1985-2004. doi:
Tiner RW. 1993. The primary indicators method-a practical approach to wetland recognition and delineation in the United States. Wetlands, 13(1): 50-64. doi:
Zare Chahouki M, Khojasteh F, Yousefi M, Farsoudan A, Shafizade Nasrabady M. 2013. Evaluation of different plot shape, size, and number for sampling in middle Taleghan rangelands. Whatershed Management Research, 26(2): 133-139. (In Persian).
Zebardast l, Jafari H. 2011. Use of remote sensing in monitoring the trend of changes of Anzali wetland in Iran and proposing environmental management solution. Journal of Environmental Studies, 37(57): 1-8. (In Persian).