Reflection of social structure in the spatial configuration of housing with emphasis on the theory of spatial syntax (Case study: Traditional and contemporary houses of the historical cultural context of Tabriz)
Subject Areas :Atefeh Fathbaqali 1 , Mohammadjavad Maghsoudi Tilaki 2 * , Masoumeh Hedayati Marzbali 3
1 - Researcher, PhD in Architecture, Department of Architecture, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Urban Planning, Department of Architecture, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Ayatollah Amoli Branch, Islamic Azad University, Amol, Iran
Keywords: Space Syntax, Tabriz City, Social structure, house, Spatial Configuration,
Abstract :
Homes, as the main place of life of modern man, must respond to the needs, beliefs and values of its inhabitants. The shape and body of space affects human lifestyle and behavior. In this research, the complexities of social and cultural relations in the spatial structure of traditional and contemporary houses in Tabriz have been investigated using the theory of space syntax. The present study tries to extract and introduce changes in the layout and spatial structure of houses in terms of space syntax criteria. To achieve this goal, after selecting a case study of the cultural and historical context of Tabriz, IGraph software has been used to draw and classify the samples and analyze the spatial structure, and their explanatory diagram. Then the correlation indices and the relative depth of the spaces have been analyzed using the mathematical relations of the space syntax and the visibility indices, the visibility cone using the Depthmap software for each sample. The results show that there is a direct relationship between the variable of social structures and the variable of spatial arrangement. This means that the characteristics of social structures governing society, including interactions and privacy, are important architectural values of traditional houses, However, in contemporary houses, due to having a purely physical view and insufficient knowledge of the residents and their needs, many changes have taken place in the housing debate, which has led to the residents not belonging to the house.
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