A review of theoretical literature and identification of factors and criteria effective on urban, regional, global and national competitiveness with a meta-analytical approach
Subject Areas :
غلامرضا مرادی
مهسا دهقانیان
الهام کاظمی نژاد
1 - استادیار گروه مهندسی شهرسازی، دانشگاه سلمان فارسی، کازرون، ایران
2 - دانشجوی دکتری شهرسازی، دانشگاه یزد، یزد، ایران
3 - کارشناسی ارشد برنامه ریزی شهری، دانشگاه هنر، تهران
Keywords: Competitiveness, meta-analysis approach, Sandelowski and Baros seven-stage model.,
Abstract :
Introduction: Nowadays, the new concept of GDP of common regions, the purpose of this study is to reveal the concept of urban competitiveness and identify approaches and factors and effective criteria of urban competitiveness in Iran using meta-analysis method. In recent years, the concept of competitiveness has become a common term in urban, regional and national economic analyzes and policies. Globalization and economy based on information knowledge, by removing the border between countries, has gradually reduced the geographical position of territorial competitions from national to regional scale.
Materials and Methods: Descriptive-analytical research, in terms of purpose; It is functional and. In this study, a 7-stage model of Sandlowski and Barros meta-analysis was used and the approach of the present study was content analysis. By collecting the required information and reviewing the titles, content, method and results, 18 articles were selected and the basic criteria of these articles were extracted. Meta-analysis is a type of qualitative study that examines the information and findings extracted from other qualitative studies with a related and similar topic. As a result, the target sample for meta-analysis consists of selected qualitative studies based on their relationship with the research question. Meta-analysis, integrated review of qualitative literature is not the target.
Results and Discussion: The results show that in all competitiveness, the economic factor has the greatest impact and cities, regions and the whole world should strengthen this factor in order to increase competitiveness, which in this regard can be strengthened economic ties inside and outside cities and Regions, promotion and use of inter-regional and urban advantages, improving the quality of the labor market, etc. or in line with social factors in the region, we can mention the promotion of spatial exchange, improving the level of human capital.
Conclusion: Based on the results categorized above, the economic factor has been the most discussed factor in all urban competitiveness respectively. The effective factors and criteria of urban competitiveness include economic, social, environmental, tourism, infrastructural, political institutional and quality of life factors. According to the reviewed articles, the economic factor had the greatest impact on urban competitiveness, and after the economic factor, as it was said before, the social factor It has a significant effect on urban competitiveness and the quality of life is the least influencing factor on urban competitiveness.
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