The Effect of Narcissistic Managers on Internal and External Social Performance With a Moderating Role of Overconfidence
Subject Areas : Financial and Behavioral Researches in Accountingnazanin bashirimanesh 1 * , seyyed hesam vaghfi 2 , kobra shamsodinin 3
1 - Assistant Profesor. Faculty of management, economic& accounting, PNU University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - , Assistant Profesor. Faculty of management, economic& accounting, PNU University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - MSc. Student in Accounting, Economic & Accounting, PNU University, Shahr Rey, Iran
Keywords: Social Performance, Managers' Overconfidence, managers 'narcissism,
Abstract :
The narcissistic managers try to be active and active in the field of social activities in order to gain fame and magnification, and in this way, they cover their weaknesses and gain more benefits. On the other hand, narcissistic managers are more likely to have overconfidence in their attitudes and abilities. According to this ,The purpose of this study is to investigate the narcissism of managers and internal and external social performance with emphasis on overconfidence. For this purpose, a sample of 129 companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange during the years 2014 to 2021 were reviewed. Research hypotheses were tested using combined data and using multiple and Logit regression in Stata and Eviews software. Findings from the test of research hypotheses show that managers 'narcissism has a positive and significant effect on managers' social performance in the internal and external field. Narcissistic managers participate in social activities in order to show off and attract the attention of internal and external stakeholders. The findings also showed that overconfidence has a negative and significant effect on the relationship between managers' narcissism and internal and external social performance. Accordingly, managers' false self-confidence reduces the positive effect of managerial narcissism on social performance.
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