A Comparative Study of the Concepts of Homeland in Constitutional Literature with Emphasis on the Works of Seyed Ashrafuddin Gilani and the sacred Defense Literature of Kaiser Aminpour
Subject Areas : Persian Language and Literature
mandana alimi
Masoud Pakdel
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Azadshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Azadshahr, Iran.
2 - department langouege and litreyture azad yonivercity ramhormoz branch
Abstract :
constitutional literature with emphasis on Seyed Ashrafuddin Gilani and sacred defense literature with emphasis on Kaiser Aminpour. Constitutional literature, with regards to the individual and social worldview and the atmosphere of their historical period, each used from the concept of homeland in their poetry. Homeland has many concepts in constitutional literature. All poets of this period has emphasized on patriotism, fighting against tyranny and colonialism, homeland development, nostalgic look at Iran before Islam in their poetry. The concept of Islamic homeland is also found in the poems of some poets. In the literature of sacred defense, Climatic Homeland, human homeland, Islamic homeland and patriotism, can be seen in the works of the most of the poets of this period, especially in Kaiser Aminpour works. For the realization of this research, we first referred to sources that were about the homeland. In this context, these two concepts have been examined both in classical literature and in the present age literature for a detailed understanding. In the meantime, as these two are a part of social categories, the sociology of literature and especially the sociology of Persian literature were studied separately. On the other hand, constitutional and sacred defense literature are intimately linked to the actions, reactions, events, and changes of their age and they come from historical periods. Therefore, in order to better understand these two literatures, we studied the Constitutional Revolution and the Islamic Revolution and the cause of them and the quality of their process.
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