The semiotics of "snake" in the poem "I was saying that day ..." by Simin Behbahani, emphasizing Michael Rifater's theory
Subject Areas : Persian Language and Literaturemaryam arjomandi 1 , mehdi zerafatkar 2 *
1 - دانشگاه آزاد شیراز
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Comparative Literature-Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz Branch
Abstract :
Every glorious poem has a dominant idea that overshadows the whole work. The poet hides this idea in the form and structure of a sentence or a word. He then artistically marks some words so that the audience can identify the dominant idea through them. Has Simin Behbahani used this artistic function in the poem "I was that day ..."? It seems; To get the right answer, the benefit of Michael Rifater's theory of semiotics is more than any suitable theory. Due to this similarity, the present article has examined Simin's poetry based on the semiotic theory of this thinker and with a descriptive-analytical method. After examining the non-prescriptive elements, the results indicate that there are accumulations with the meanings of "snake", "laughter" and "fear" with a high frequency in the poem. After examining the descriptive systems with the approach of metaphorical clusters and with the nuclei of "traditional society", "demonic temperament" and "quasi-modern society", the hypograms of poetry were identified, the most important of which were: the symbol snake The demonic temperament of human beings and in patriarchal systems is most manifested in the existence of the male sex. Also, the comparison of accumulations, descriptive systems, and hypograms with the intertextual approach created the following structural matrix in the minds of the authors: The demonic temperament of a patriarchal system in traditional societies through folk games, oppression. It inspires girls. In a quasi-modern society, the teaching of oppression continues with modern methodses
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