Investigating the relationship between religious teachings and structure and concept in the story of the zamen ahoo
Subject Areas : Persian Language and Literature
hojat allah hasanvand
mohammad kazaie
gholamali hatm
mohammad aref
1 - PhD student of Comparative and Analytical History of Islamic Art, Department of Comparative and Analytical History of Islamic Art, Azad University
2 - Faculty member of Tarbiat Modares University of Tehran
3 - Professor, Department of Art Research, Faculty of Art, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran
4 - Associate Professor, Department of Drama, Faculty of Arts, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran
Keywords: : Folk Literature, religious texts, Imam Reza (AS), Shiite Theme, The Story of the zamen ahoo,
Abstract :
Zamen ahoo is one of the valuable folk themes with an explicit moral-training message in the popular belief. The format of this theme is "the folk and oral story of Zamen Ahoo". Preliminary studies indicate the link between this "story" with religious texts and narrations related to the behavior of the Prophet (PBUH) and some infallible Imams (AS) towards animals. However, the Lack of sufficient resources and studies in this field and as a result, lack of accurate knowledge about the forms and qualities of this link, has led to less attention to this important issue. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to obtain the qualities of the relationship between religious concepts, texts and narratives with the components of the structure in the present story.This research has been done using descriptive-analytical method as well as library and documentary studies and answers to the questions such as: what is the relationship between religious-Islamic and Shiite texts and teachings with the formation of "The Story of Zamen Ahoo" according to its structure and concept. Studies have shown that: Separately sorted, the external structure of the story has a direct and close relationship with the narrations and events related to the Prophet (PBUH) and the Infallibles (AS) and it includes case references. Also,the concepts and themes (internal components) of the story are derived from and related to the original Islamic texts (Quran) and some hadiths; which includes general (ethical) references. Hence, the story has provided a ground and format to express Shiite-religious...
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