Features of description in kush name
Subject Areas : Persian Language and Literature
mohammadnoor ghaedzade khamiri
Majid Hajizade
Maryam gholamrezabeigi
1 - PhD student of Persian language and literature, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch, Kerman. Iran.
2 - Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch, Kerman. Iran.
3 - Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch, Kerman. Iran.
Keywords: "Epic", "Iranshan Ibn Abi al-Khair", "Kush name", "Expressive Techniques", "Description",
Abstract :
Describing one of the most effective objects in illustration and a type of expression by which one can create objects, people, behaviors and scenes with words, since the description has a strong link to the epic type, so the poet uses it in his support to visualize and visualize because the element of description is a means to make the various scenes tangible and tangible in the context of epic poetry on the basis of epic poetry. This article examines the subject of description in kush name with descriptive-analytical method. The results show that different subjects such as nature, persons, abstract matters, time, place, objects, gifts, battlefield and animals are described in Kush Nama.In order to demonstrate the descriptive power of the speaker of the system, his descriptions are first looked at in a grammatical aspect and then the analysis of poetic grammatical techniques has been discussed The frequency of grammatical techniques is higher than poetic ones. Among grammatical techniques, adjective has the highest frequency and among poetic techniques, simile has the highest frequency. Furthermore, in this system, the poet sometimes uses a few participlus techniques in describing a single subject and sometimes uses a technique successively in describing different subjects.
الف: کتابها
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