A Study of Socio-Political Themes in the Divan of Adib-AL Mamalek Farahani and Ahmad Showqi
Subject Areas : comparative literatureparvin mortazaei 1 , zahra hosseini 2
1 - Assistant Professor of Department of Persian Language and Literature of Eghlid Higher Education Center
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Jahrom University
Keywords: Patriotism, Constitutional movement, comparative literature, Ahmad Showqi, Adib al-Mamalik,
Abstract :
committed literature covers avariety of areas. Expressing the social and political issues of society isone of the most important approaches in this type of literature In the last century, similar social and political situations have developed in the society of Iran and Egypt. Issues that exposed the independence and identity of such countries to foreign aggression and, as a result, posed a serious threat; Thus, social poets entered the turmoil of such a turbulent situation, and the most important of them was dealing with social and political issues. Inthis descriptive-analytical study, socio-political themes in the poems of Adib al-Mamalak and Ahmad Shawqi have been extracted and studied based on the American comparative school. Findings of the research indicate that themes such as patriotism, mention of Free people and patriotic heroes, encouragement of unity and solidarity, disgust with foreigners and criticism of social disorders have been widely used in the poetry of these two poets. With the difference that Adib al-Mamalek has included minor social issues in his poetry; Ahmad Showqi, on the other hand, has often raised larger issues. Both patriotic poets initially have a positive view of the constitutional movement; But with the entry of anomalies into the structure of the movement, they change their course and complain about it. Reformism and the need for positive action of various classes of society and politicians are among the most important solutions that these two poets propose to achieve national prose.Keywords: Comparative Literature, Constitutional Movement, Patriotism, Adib al-Mamalik, Ahmad Showqi.
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