A review of the role of social entrepreneurship in empowerment and employment of the disabled
Subject Areas : Entrepreneurship
amirhamzeh nakhaee
Ehsaneh nejad Mohammad
samira shahmansouri
1 - PhD Student in Entrepreneurship Management, Islamic Azad University, Research Sciences Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business Management, Islamic Azad University, Research Sciences Branch, Tehran, Iran
3 - PhD student in Marketing Management, Islamic Azad University, Mobarakeh Branch, Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: Empowerment, Social entrepreneurship, Employment, Disabled,
Abstract :
Background: In recent decades, the global economic system has created macro wealth and the spread of contradictions such as the gap between rich and poor, this gap has led to the emergence of entrepreneurial ideas in the field of social issues. Social entrepreneurs decide to respond by defining and implementing new business models to the needs of the deprived and helpless.Method: Addressing the gap between theories in this social entrepreneurship requires a review of studies conducted in the field of social entrepreneurship and its impact on the empowerment of the disabled. Objective: In this study, in order to create a link between empowerment studies of the disabled as a vulnerable group of society and social entrepreneurship, therefore, to better identify the dimensions of this issue, led to the study of previous research. Conclusion: According to previous studies, it can be said that social entrepreneurship activities lead to the empowerment of people with disabilities for self-efficacy and a sense of personal worth with the power of choice and effectiveness in these people. Keywords: Social Entrepreneurship, Empowerment, Disabled, Employment