Investigation of the effect of packaging film, temperature and storage time on biochemical characteristics of Rosmarinus officinalis L.
Subject Areas : Medicinal PlantsFeryal Varasteh 1 * , Azim Ghasemnejad 2 , Sahar Zamani 3
1 - Department of Horticulture Science, Faculty of Plant Production, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran,
2 - Department of Horticulture Science, Faculty of Plant Production, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran
3 - Department of Horticulture Science, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran
Keywords: Antioxidant, biochemical, Polyethylene, Rosemary, Polyamide,
Abstract :
Effects of packaging film, temperature, and storage time on the biochemical properties of dried leaves of Rosmarinus officinalis L. were investigated in a factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design at Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources during 2017-2018. Plant samples were collected and shade-dried from the newly grown branches of eight-year-old plants in June. Then, the samples were packed in packaging films including control (without coating), polyamide 80, 90, and 120 µ, polyethylene 90 µ and common plastic, before they were stored at 4 ℃ and 25 ℃ for one year. The biochemical compounds of the plant were measured every three-months. Chlorophylls and carotenoids were measured using dimethyl sulfoxide method. Phenols, flavonoids, and antioxidant activity were assayed by Folin-Ciocalteu, aluminum-chloride, and DPPH method. Findings showed that chlorophylls and carotenoids decreased over time; however, 4 ℃ preserved the pigments better than 25 ℃. The highest phenol content (4.5 mg/g) was observed in common plastic after 6 months, and the highest flavonoids (2.87 mg/g) was observed in polyamide 90 µ and polyethylene 90 µ stored for 3 months at 4 ℃. Total phenols and flavonoids in treatments were 1.78 and 3 times higher than the samples without coating stored for 12 months at 25 ℃. The highest antioxidant activity was observed in all packages at the beginning of the experiment, and the antioxidant activity decreased by 30.8% after 12 months storage at 25 ℃ without coating. According to the findings of the study, in order to preserve the quality of dried rosemary leaves, they are recommended to be stored in polyamide 90 and 120 µ and polyethylene 90 µ at 4 ℃ for 3 months, because in these treatments, in addition to the increase in total phenols and flavonoids (1.2-1.3 times compared to the beginning of the experiment), the content of total chlorophylls, carotenoids, and antioxidant activity did not increase highly.
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Al-Maharik, N., Jaradat, N., Hawash, M., Al-Lahham, S., Qadi, M., Shoman, I., Jaber, S., Rahem, R.A., Hussein, F. and Issa, L. (2022). Chemical composition, antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-proliferative activities of essential oils of Rosmarinus officinalis from five different sites in Palestine. Separations, 9 (339): 1-15.
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Azizian Shermeh, O., Taherizadeh, M., Valizadeh, M. and Qasemi, A. (2018). Robial and antioxidant activities and determining phenolic and flavonoid contents of the extracts of five species from different families of the medicinal plants grown in Sistan and Baluchestan province. Journal of Fasa University of Medical Sciences, 7 (4): 465‐479.
Babalar, M., Mohtashami, S., Ebrahimzadeh Musavi, S.M. and Mirjalili, M.H. (2014). The effect of different packaging methods on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of Dragonhead (Dracocephalum moldavica ). Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 30 (1): 142-157.
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Leao, P.M.R., Neves, L.C., Colombo, R.C., Shahab, M., de Oliveira, J.M.F., de Freitas Luz, F.J. and Roberto, S.R. (2019). Temperature and storage periods on the maintenance of chemical composition of medicinal plants. Agronomy Science and Biotechnology, 5 (1): 40-51.
Lisboa, C.F., Melo, E.D.C. and Donzeles, S.M.L. (2018). Influence of storage conditions on quality attributes of medicinal plants. Biomedical Journalof Scientific and Technical Research, 4 (4): 4093-4095.
Masand, S., Madan, S. and Balian, S.K. (2014). Modern concept of storage and packaging of raw herbs used in Ayurveda. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy, 5(2): 242 -245.
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Nand Tiwari, V. and Yadav, K.C. (2014). Effect of different packaging material on quality of green dill (Sowa) (Anethum graveolens) under storage conditions. Environment and Ecology, 32 (4A): 1583—1587.
Nguyen, V.T.B. and Nguyen, H.V.H. (2021). Postharvest quality of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) coated with calcium and nano-chitosan as affected by different storage temperatures. Journal of Horticulture and Postharvest Research, 4 (4): 413-426.
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Ošťádalová, M., Tremlová, B., Pokorná, J. and Král, M. (2014). Chlorophyll as an indicator of green tea quality, 83: 103-109.
Pant, P., Pandey, S. and Dall’Acqua, S. (2021). The influence of environmental conditions on secondary metabolites in medicinal plants: A Literature Review. Chemistry and Biodiversity, 18: e2100345.
Shoormij, M., Einafshar, S., Niazmand, R. and Sharayei, P. (2012). The effect of storage temperature and packaging material on the quantity, quality and microbial properties of modified atmosphere packaging of saffron flower. Research and Innovation in Food Science and Industry, 1 (4): 283-294.
Slinkard, K. and Singleton, V.L. (1977). Total phenol analysis: automation and comparison with manual methods. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 28: 49-55.
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Thamkaew, G., Sjöholm, I. and Galindo, F.G.)2021). A review of drying methods for improving the quality of dried herbs. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 61(11): 1763-1786.
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Vallejo, F., Tomás-Barberán, F.A. and García-Viguera, C. (2002). Potential bioactive compounds in health promotion from broccoli cultivars grown in Spain. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 82: 1293-1297.
Varasteh, F. and Zamani, S. (2019). The effect of different packaging films on storability and qualitative properties of button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus). Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science, 49 (4): 1035-1044.
Zoric, Z., Pedisic, S., Kovacevic, D.B., Jezek, D. and Dragovic-Uzelac, V. (2016). Impact of packaging material and storage conditions on polyphenol stability, colour and sensory characteristics of freeze-dried sour cherry (Prunus cerasus var. Marasca). Journal of Food science and technology, 53 (2): 1-13.
_||_Akshaya, H.R., Namita, Singh, K.P., Saha, S., Panwar, S. and Bharadwaj, C. (2017). Standardization of storage conditions of marigold (Tagetes ) petal extract for retention of carotenoid pigments and their antioxidant activities. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 87 (6): 765–775.
Al-Maharik, N., Jaradat, N., Hawash, M., Al-Lahham, S., Qadi, M., Shoman, I., Jaber, S., Rahem, R.A., Hussein, F. and Issa, L. (2022). Chemical composition, antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-proliferative activities of essential oils of Rosmarinus officinalis from five different sites in Palestine. Separations, 9 (339): 1-15.
Anderson, S.C., Ekholm, A., Johansson, E., Olsson, M.E., Sjoholm, I., Nyberg, L., Nilsson, A. and Rumpunen, K. (2015). Effect of storage time and temperature on stability of bioactive compounds in aseptically packed beverages prepared from rose hips and sea buckthorn berries. Agricultural and food science, 24: 273-288.
Azizian Shermeh, O., Taherizadeh, M., Valizadeh, M. and Qasemi, A. (2018). Robial and antioxidant activities and determining phenolic and flavonoid contents of the extracts of five species from different families of the medicinal plants grown in Sistan and Baluchestan province. Journal of Fasa University of Medical Sciences, 7 (4): 465‐479.
Babalar, M., Mohtashami, S., Ebrahimzadeh Musavi, S.M. and Mirjalili, M.H. (2014). The effect of different packaging methods on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of Dragonhead (Dracocephalum moldavica ). Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 30 (1): 142-157.
Barnes, J.D., Balaguer, L., Manrique, E., Elvira, S. and Davison, A.W. (1992). A reappraisal of the use of DMSO for the extraction and determination of chlorophylls a and b in the lichens and higher plants. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 32 (2): 85-100.
Boudet, A.M. (2007). Evolution and current status of research in phenolic compounds. Phytochemistry, 68: 2722-2735.
Chang, C., Yang, M., Wen, H. and Chern, J. (2002). Estimation of total flavonoid content in propolis by two complementary colorimetric methods. Journal of Food Drug Anal, 10: 178-182.
De Oliveira, J.R., Camargo, S.E.A., and de Oliveira, L.D. (2019). Rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary) as therapeutic and prophylactic agent. Journal of Biomedical Science, 26 (5):
Ghasemnezhad, M., Ashour -Nezhad, M. and Gerailoo, S. (2011). Changes in postharvest quality of loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) fruits influenced by chitosan. Horticulture, Environment and Biotechnology, 52 (1): 40-45.
Gião, M.S., Pereira, C.I., Pintado, M.E. and Malcata, F.X. (2013). Effect of technological processing upon the antioxidant capacity of aromatic and medicinal plant infusions: From harvest to packaging. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 50: 320–325.
Hasandokht, M.R. and Jafari, S. (2015). Effect of time, temperature and storage condition on the some of phyto-chemical and physicochemical traits of watercress (Nasturtium officinale ) medicinal plant. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 31 (5): 776-788.
Heydarnezhad, R., Ghahremani, Z., Barzegar, T. and Rabiei, V. (2019). The effects of harvesting stage and chitosan coating on quality and shelf-life of Physalis angulata Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science, 50 (1): 173-186.
Indore, H.D., Garande, V.K., Dhumal, S.S., Patgaonkar, D.R., Patil, V.S. and Sonawane, P.N. (2016). Effect of packaging materials and storage conditions on shelf life and quality of Okra. International Journal of Advanced Research, 4 (11): 257-265.
Jalili Heravi, M., Moazeni, R.S. and Sereshti, H. (2011). Analysis of Iranian rosemary essential oil: Application of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry combined with chemometrics. Journal of Chromatography, 1218: 2569-2576.
Leao, P.M.R., Neves, L.C., Colombo, R.C., Shahab, M., de Oliveira, J.M.F., de Freitas Luz, F.J. and Roberto, S.R. (2019). Temperature and storage periods on the maintenance of chemical composition of medicinal plants. Agronomy Science and Biotechnology, 5 (1): 40-51.
Lisboa, C.F., Melo, E.D.C. and Donzeles, S.M.L. (2018). Influence of storage conditions on quality attributes of medicinal plants. Biomedical Journalof Scientific and Technical Research, 4 (4): 4093-4095.
Masand, S., Madan, S. and Balian, S.K. (2014). Modern concept of storage and packaging of raw herbs used in Ayurveda. International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy, 5(2): 242 -245.
Meighani, H., Boroomand, N. and Moghbeli, E. 2018. Effect of chitosan coating and CaCl2 on maintaining postharvest quality and antioxidant compound of strawberry fruit. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 76 (15): 307-317.
Mohammad sohael, A. and Babar, M. (2020) Effect of temperature on secondary metabolites production and antioxidant enzyme activities in Eleutherococcus senticosus somatic embryos. Journal of Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 85: 219 -228.
Nand Tiwari, V. and Yadav, K.C. (2014). Effect of different packaging material on quality of green dill (Sowa) (Anethum graveolens) under storage conditions. Environment and Ecology, 32 (4A): 1583—1587.
Nguyen, V.T.B. and Nguyen, H.V.H. (2021). Postharvest quality of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) coated with calcium and nano-chitosan as affected by different storage temperatures. Journal of Horticulture and Postharvest Research, 4 (4): 413-426.
Omidbaigi, R. (2006). Production and processing of medicinal plants. Behnashr, 347 p.
Ošťádalová, M., Tremlová, B., Pokorná, J. and Král, M. (2014). Chlorophyll as an indicator of green tea quality, 83: 103-109.
Pant, P., Pandey, S. and Dall’Acqua, S. (2021). The influence of environmental conditions on secondary metabolites in medicinal plants: A Literature Review. Chemistry and Biodiversity, 18: e2100345.
Shoormij, M., Einafshar, S., Niazmand, R. and Sharayei, P. (2012). The effect of storage temperature and packaging material on the quantity, quality and microbial properties of modified atmosphere packaging of saffron flower. Research and Innovation in Food Science and Industry, 1 (4): 283-294.
Slinkard, K. and Singleton, V.L. (1977). Total phenol analysis: automation and comparison with manual methods. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 28: 49-55.
Tay, F.R.X. and Teo, S.S. (2019). Interactive effects of storage temperatures and packaging methods on sweet basil. MOJ Food Processing and Technology, 7 (1): 16-20.
Thamkaew, G., Sjöholm, I. and Galindo, F.G.)2021). A review of drying methods for improving the quality of dried herbs. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 61(11): 1763-1786.
Twaij, B.M. and Hasan, M.N. (2022). Bioactive secondary metabolites from plant sources: types, synthesis, and their therapeutic uses. International Journal of Plant Biology, 13 (1): 4-14.
Vallejo, F., Tomás-Barberán, F.A. and García-Viguera, C. (2002). Potential bioactive compounds in health promotion from broccoli cultivars grown in Spain. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 82: 1293-1297.
Varasteh, F. and Zamani, S. (2019). The effect of different packaging films on storability and qualitative properties of button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus). Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science, 49 (4): 1035-1044.
Zoric, Z., Pedisic, S., Kovacevic, D.B., Jezek, D. and Dragovic-Uzelac, V. (2016). Impact of packaging material and storage conditions on polyphenol stability, colour and sensory characteristics of freeze-dried sour cherry (Prunus cerasus var. Marasca). Journal of Food science and technology, 53 (2): 1-13.