Ethnobotanical study in Maneh and Semelghan regions of North Khorasan
Subject Areas : Medicinal Plants
Pooya Arvin
Rana Firouzeh
1 - Department of Agriculture - Payame Noor University- Bojnourd- Iran
2 - Payame Noor University - Ph.D of Plant Physiology
Keywords: North Khorasan, Ethnobotany, Use of Report Index (UR), Relative Frequency of Citation (RFC), Informant Consensus Factor (ICF),
Abstract :
Ethnobotany or botanical ethnography is the knowledge of documenting of traditional unwritten information in order to make optimal use of resources and effeectively protect of biodiversity and cultural information.Due to the diversity of vegetative cover in North Khorasan province and also many traditional and scientific sources, a study in 2020 was carried out to identify the medicinal plants of Maneh and Semelghan regions and use of the knowledge and experience of the indigenous people to introduce the properties and unknowns dimension of medicinal plants. Information about various aspects of plants such as traditional uses and how to use and sampling time of plants by preparing a questionnaire in the form of face-to-face interview and participatory observation were collected from experienced natives. The results of the present study showed that out of 106 species of medicinal plants, 18 species belonged to the Lamiaceae family, followed by the Asteraceae family with 17 species and the Apiaceae family with 12 species respectively. Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) with 385 reports to relieve digestive and respiratory problems and Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) with 366 reports for treatment of digestive and skin diseases and Mallow (Malva sylvestris L.) with 358 reports to treat systematic and respiratory diseases showed the highest Use of Report, respectively. Also Glycyrrhiza glabra with 0.98, Cichorium intybus with 0.95 and Thymus transcaspicus with 0.93 had the highest rate of Relative Frequency of Citation index, respectively. In terms of biological form, 48 species of Hemicryptophytes, 21 species of Phanerophytes, 17 species of Therophytes, 12 species of Chameophytes and 8 species of Geophytes were identified in the region. The findings of this study show that the ethnobotanical information of the people of this region can provide a good basis for identifying the new therapeutic effects of plants, better use of medicinal plants and their products.
- Abtahi, F. 2019. Ethnobotanical study of some medicinal plants of Shazand City in Markazi Province. Iran, Journal Medicinal Plants, 18:197-211.
- Al-Fatimi, M. 2019. Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants in central Abyan governorate, Yemen. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 241:111973.
- Alimirzaei, F., Mohammadi Kalayeh, A., Shahraki, M.R. and Behmanesh, B. 2017. Local knowledge of medicinal plants from the point of view of nomads in the rangelands of Chehel-Kaman, Razavi Khorasan province. Journal of Indigenous Knowledge, 4: 156- 201.
- Alonso-Castro, A.J., Maldonado-Miranda, J.J., Zarate-Martinez, A., del Rosario Jacobo-Salcedo, M., Fernandez-Galicia, C. and Figueroa-Zuniga, L.A. 2012. Medicinal plants used in the Huasteca Potosina, Mexico. Journal of Ethnopharmacology,143: 292-298.
- Archibold, O. W. 1995. Ecology of world vegetation, Chapman and Hall, Inc, London.
- Arvin, P. and Firouzeh, R. 2022. Ethnobotany of medicinal plants in Razo-Jargalan district in North Khorasan province. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research, 6: 873-907.
- Asadi, M., Maassoumi, A.A., Khatamsaz, M. and Mozaffarian,V. (ed,) ,1988-2012, Flora of Iran, vols, 1–76. Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands Publications, Tehran.
- Choudhary, S., Kaurav, H. and Chaudhary, G. 2021. Kasani beej (Cichorium intybus): Ayurvedic View, Folk View, Phytochemistry and Modern Therapeutic Uses. International Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology. 8(2):114-125.
- Davis, P.H. (ed,), 1965-1988, Flora of Turkey, vols 1-10, University of Edinburg Press.
- Demeke, C.A., Woldeyohanins, A.E. and Kifle, Z.D. 2021. Herbal medicine use for the management of COVID-19: A review article. Journal of Metabolism Open.12:1-6.
- Dolatkhahi, M., Ghorbani Nohooji, M., Mehrafarin, A., Amini Nejad, G. and Dolatkhahi, A. 2012. Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants in Kazeroon, Iran: Identification, Distribution and Traditional Usage. Jounnal of Medicinal plants, 2 (42): 163-178.
- Dolatkhahi, M. and Nabi pour, I. 2013. An ethnobotanic study of medicinal plants in the Northeast Basin of the Persian Gulf. Quarterly Journal of Medicinal Plants, 13:129-43.
- Eghbal, H., Moazen Zadeh, O. and Bohlooli, Sh. 2016. A review of the therapeutic and phytochemical properties of peppermint Mentha longifolia. The First National Conference on Aromatic and Spicy Herbs, Iran, Gonbad, 1-16.
- Farhadi, M. 2006. Ethnography of indigenous knowledge and technologies. Iranians Nan-e-Shab Journal Namaye Pajouhesh.
- Fathi, M., Ghane, M. and Pishkar, L. 2021. Phytochemical composition antibacterial and antibiofilm activity of Malva sylvestris against human pathogenic bacteria, Jundishapur. Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical, In press.
- Foroozandeh, E. and Asadi Gharneh, H.A. 2021. Dracocephalum kotschyi: An Iranian endemic medicinal plant, A review. Journal of Medicinal Herbs. 12(1):9-17.
- Frouzeh, M.R., Heshmati, Gh. and Barani, H. 2014. Investigation on the knowledge of food preparation using edible plants. Iranian Journal Indigenous Knowledge, 4:109-129.
- Ghadimi Joboni, M. and Ghavam, M. 2021. Ethnobotany of medicinal and edible plants in Jubon village of Guilan province using descriptive statistics. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research, 1:127-144.
- Ghasemi Pirbalouti, A. 2009. Medicinal plants used in Chaharmahal and Bakhtyari districts, Iran. Herba Polonica, 55: 69-75.
- Ghavam, M., Manconi, M., Manca, M.L., Bacchetta, G. 2021. Extraction of essential oil from Dracocephalum kotschyi (Lamiaceae), identification of two active compounds and evaluation of the antimicrobial properties. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 267: 1- 26.
- Gholipour, A., Ghorbani Nohooji, M., Rasuli, N. and Habibi, M. 2014. An ethnobotanical study on the medicinal plants of Zarm-rood Rural District of Neka (Mazandaran Province). Jounnal of Medicinal plants, 4 (52): 101-121.
- Habibi, M., Soleiman, S., Gholamali Pour Alamdari, E. and Jorjani, I. 2013. Investigation the ethnobotany of medicinal plants in Shirvan. The First Conrference of National Resources Management, 8pp.
- Haerinasab, M. and Abbasi, S. 2019. Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants and introduction to some poisonous plant species of Ardestan (Isfahan Province). Journal of Medicinal Plants, 122-144.
- Heidari, A., Zali, SH. and Heidari, Gh. 2015. Ethnobotanical survey of Namarestagh summer rangelands, Amol (Mazandaran). Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine, 5 (4): 330-339.
- Heinrich, M. 2015. Ethnobotany and its role in drug development. Phytotherapy Research, 14.
- Hooper, D. and Field, H. 1973. Useful plants and drugs of Iran and Iraq, Field museum of Natural History. Botanical Series, 9 (3): 71- 241.
- Hosseini, M., Rahim Forouzeh, M. and Barani, H. Identification and investigation of ethnobotany of some medicinal plants in Razavi Khorasan Province. Journal of Medicinal Plants, 18(70): 212-231.
- Hosseini, S, H., Bibak, H. and Ramezani Qara, A. 2020. Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants of the South Kerman. Eco-phytochemical Journal of Medicinal Plants,1: 30-64.
- Iranmanesh, M., Najafi, S. and Yosefi, M. 2010. Studies on ethnobotany of important medicinal plants in Sistan. Journal of Herbal Drugs, 1(2): 61-68.
- Janda, K., Gutowska, I., Geszke-Moritz, M. and Jakubczyk, K. 2021. The Common Cichory (Cichorium intybus) as a source of extracts with health-promoting properties- A Review. Journal of Molecules. 26(6): 1-14.
- Khodayari, H., Amani, Sh. and Amiri, H. 2014. Ethnobotany of medicinal plants in the Northeast of Khoozestan Province. Ecophytochemical Journal of Medicinal Plants, 8:12-25.
- Khodayari, H. and Amani, Sh. 2015. Ethnobotanical study about medicinal plants in Ize (Khuzestan Province). The first national conference on medicinal herbs, traditional medicine and organic farming, Hamadan, 161:1-15.
- Khorshid Abas, Z., Saggu, S., Sakeran, M., Zidan, N., Rehman, H. and Ansari, A. 2015. Phytochemical, antioxidant and mineral composition of hydroalcoholic extract of chicory (Cichorium intybus L,) leaves. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 22: 322-326.
- Komarov, V, L. and Shishkin, B,K, (chief editors). 1963-2001. Flora of the USS,R, vols 1-30, IPST and Keter Press, and Shiva Offset Press.
- Long, Ch. and Rong, L. 2004. Ethnobotanical studies on medicinal plants used by the Red-headed Yao People in Jinping, Yunnan Province, China. Journal of Ethno Pharmacology, 90- 99.
- Mafakheri, S., Asghari, B. and Nikjuyan, M.J. 2018. Effect of nano zinc chelate on morpho-physiological and phytochemical chracteristics of Dracocephalum kotschyi in drought stress condition. Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science. 49: 755-767.
- Mahdavi-Meymand, Z. and Mirtajadini, M. 2010. The collection and identification of the some plant species of Kerman province. Journal of Medicinal Plants, 2: 1-
- Mardani nejhad, Sh. and Vazirpour, M. 2012. Study of ethnobotany of medicinal plants by people of Mobarakeh in the Esfahan province. Journal of Herbal Drugs, 2: 111-129.
- Mirdeilami, S.Z., Heshmati, G.A. and Barani, H. 2014. Ethnobotanical and ethnoecological survey on medicinal species (case study Kechik Rangelands in the Northeast Golestan Province). Semiannual Journal of Indigenous Knowledge, 2: 129-154.
- Mobayen, S. 1981. Plant Geography, 2nd edition, Tehran University Publication, Tehran.
- Mobin, S (Ed,). 1975 -1995. Iran flora, flora of vascular plant, Tehran University Press,Tehran, Iran, 1-4.
- Mosaddegh, M., Naghibi, F., Moazzeni, H., Pirani A. and Esmaeili, S. 2012. Ethnobotanical survey of herbal remedies traditionally used in Kohghiluyeh va Boyer Ahmad province of Iran. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 111: 11-12.
- Mousavi, S.M., Hashemi, S.A., Behbudi, G., Mazraedoost, S., Omidifar, N., Gholami, A., Chiang, C., Babapoor, A. and Pynadathu Rumjit, N. 2021. A review on health benefits of Malva sylvestris nutritional compounds for metabolites, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and antimicrobial applications. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 1-13.
- Mozaffarian, V. 2010. Trees and shrubs of Iran, Farhang Moaser Publications, Tehran.
- Mozaffarian, V. 2013. Identification of medicinal and aromatic plants of Iran, Farhang Moaser Publishers, Tehran, 1430 pp.
- Noreen, S., Mubarik, F., Farooq, F., Khan, M., Ullah khan, A. and Sari pane, Y. 2021. Medicinal uses of Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra ). A comprehensive review. Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 9: 668-675.
- Okkes, I.M., Jamoulle, M., Lamberts, H. and Bentzen, N. 2000. ICPC-2-E, The electronic version of ICPC-2, Differences with the printed version and the consequences. Fam Pract, 17:101-106.
- Omidbeigi, R. 2015. Production Plants and Products of Medicinal Plants (Vol, 2), Designers Publishing, 442p.
- Pairanj, J., Ebrahimi, A., Tarnain, F. and Hassanzadeh, M. 2011. Investigation on the geographical distribution and life form of plant species in sub Alpine Zone Karsank Region, Shahrekord. Taxonomy and Biosystematics, 7:1-10.
- Parvaiz, M. 2014. Ethnobotanical studies on plant resources of Mangowal, District Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan. Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine, 4(5): 364-370.
- Raunkiaer, C. 1934. The life form of plant and statistical plant geography, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
- Razmjoue, D., Zarei, Z. And Armand, R. 2018. Ethnobotanical study (identification, medical properties and how to use) of some medicinal plants of Behbahan city of Khuzestan Province, Journal of Medicinal Plants, 4 (64): 33-49.
- Rechinger, K.H. (Ed,). 1963–2015. Flora Iranica, vols, 1–181, Akademische Druck-U Verlagsanstalt, Graz.
- Saadatpour, M., Barani, H., Abedi sarvestani, A. and Froozeh, M.R. 2017. Ethnobotanic study of medicinal plants in Sajasrood (Zanjan province). Journal of Medicinal Plants, 8:185-193.
- Sharififar, F., Moharam Khani, M.R., Moattar, F., Babakhanloo, P. and Khodami, M. 2014. Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants of Joopar mountains of Kerman Province. Journal of Kerman University of Medical Sciences, 21(1): 37-51.
- Shokrollahi, Sh. and Heshmati, G. A. 2016. Different aspects of Mallow (Malva sylvestris) and results of new research findings: A Review. Journal of Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences, 1: 1-8.
- Singh, A. and Dubey, N.K. 2012. An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants in Sonebhadra District of Uttar, Pradesh, India with reference to their infection by foliar fungi. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 6: 2727-2746.
- Tabatabaei, S.M. 2016. Indigenous knowledge of natives in north of nayin township on the use of medicinal plants, Master's Thesis. Faculty of Natural Resources and Marine Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University.
- Taghipour, S., Hassanzadeh, M. and Hosseini, S. 2011. Introduction of the flora, life form and chorology of the Alla region and Rudzard in Khuzestan province. Taxonomy and Biosystematics, 9:15-30.
- Terninko, I.I., Nemyatykh, O.D., Sakipova, Z.B., Kuldyrkaeva, E.V. and Onishschenko, U.E. 2017. Phytochemical and pharmacological vectors from Malva Sylvestris, for application in dermatological practice. Journal of Medicinal Plants, 50: 805-809.
- Toghranegar, Z., Vafadar, M. and Ghorbani Nohooji, M. 2020. Ethnopharmacological study of medicinal plants effective in the treatment of gastro-intestinal diseases in Mahneshan County. Journal Medicinal Plants, 19: 266-290.
- Townsend, C.C. and Guest, E. 1960-1985. Flora of Iraq, Vol., 1-9, Ministry of agriculture and agaiarian reform, Baghdad.
- Trotter, R.T. and Logan, M.H. 1986. Informant consensus: A new approach for identifying potenially effective medicinal plants, Agris-Fao. 1- 343.
- Vafadar, M. and Toghranegar, Z. 2020. Ethnobotanical study of some medicinal plants of Abhar county, Zanjan province. Journal Medicinal Plants, 19: 30- 54.
- Abtahi, F. 2019. Ethnobotanical study of some medicinal plants of Shazand City in Markazi Province. Iran, Journal Medicinal Plants, 18:197-211.
- Al-Fatimi, M. 2019. Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants in central Abyan governorate, Yemen. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 241:111973.
- Alimirzaei, F., Mohammadi Kalayeh, A., Shahraki, M.R. and Behmanesh, B. 2017. Local knowledge of medicinal plants from the point of view of nomads in the rangelands of Chehel-Kaman, Razavi Khorasan province. Journal of Indigenous Knowledge, 4: 156- 201.
- Alonso-Castro, A.J., Maldonado-Miranda, J.J., Zarate-Martinez, A., del Rosario Jacobo-Salcedo, M., Fernandez-Galicia, C. and Figueroa-Zuniga, L.A. 2012. Medicinal plants used in the Huasteca Potosina, Mexico. Journal of Ethnopharmacology,143: 292-298.
- Archibold, O. W. 1995. Ecology of world vegetation, Chapman and Hall, Inc, London.
- Arvin, P. and Firouzeh, R. 2022. Ethnobotany of medicinal plants in Razo-Jargalan district in North Khorasan province. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research, 6: 873-907.
- Asadi, M., Maassoumi, A.A., Khatamsaz, M. and Mozaffarian,V. (ed,) ,1988-2012, Flora of Iran, vols, 1–76. Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands Publications, Tehran.
- Choudhary, S., Kaurav, H. and Chaudhary, G. 2021. Kasani beej (Cichorium intybus): Ayurvedic View, Folk View, Phytochemistry and Modern Therapeutic Uses. International Journal for Research in Applied Sciences and Biotechnology. 8(2):114-125.
- Davis, P.H. (ed,), 1965-1988, Flora of Turkey, vols 1-10, University of Edinburg Press.
- Demeke, C.A., Woldeyohanins, A.E. and Kifle, Z.D. 2021. Herbal medicine use for the management of COVID-19: A review article. Journal of Metabolism Open.12:1-6.
- Dolatkhahi, M., Ghorbani Nohooji, M., Mehrafarin, A., Amini Nejad, G. and Dolatkhahi, A. 2012. Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants in Kazeroon, Iran: Identification, Distribution and Traditional Usage. Jounnal of Medicinal plants, 2 (42): 163-178.
- Dolatkhahi, M. and Nabi pour, I. 2013. An ethnobotanic study of medicinal plants in the Northeast Basin of the Persian Gulf. Quarterly Journal of Medicinal Plants, 13:129-43.
- Eghbal, H., Moazen Zadeh, O. and Bohlooli, Sh. 2016. A review of the therapeutic and phytochemical properties of peppermint Mentha longifolia. The First National Conference on Aromatic and Spicy Herbs, Iran, Gonbad, 1-16.
- Farhadi, M. 2006. Ethnography of indigenous knowledge and technologies. Iranians Nan-e-Shab Journal Namaye Pajouhesh.
- Fathi, M., Ghane, M. and Pishkar, L. 2021. Phytochemical composition antibacterial and antibiofilm activity of Malva sylvestris against human pathogenic bacteria, Jundishapur. Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical, In press.
- Foroozandeh, E. and Asadi Gharneh, H.A. 2021. Dracocephalum kotschyi: An Iranian endemic medicinal plant, A review. Journal of Medicinal Herbs. 12(1):9-17.
- Frouzeh, M.R., Heshmati, Gh. and Barani, H. 2014. Investigation on the knowledge of food preparation using edible plants. Iranian Journal Indigenous Knowledge, 4:109-129.
- Ghadimi Joboni, M. and Ghavam, M. 2021. Ethnobotany of medicinal and edible plants in Jubon village of Guilan province using descriptive statistics. Iranian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research, 1:127-144.
- Ghasemi Pirbalouti, A. 2009. Medicinal plants used in Chaharmahal and Bakhtyari districts, Iran. Herba Polonica, 55: 69-75.
- Ghavam, M., Manconi, M., Manca, M.L., Bacchetta, G. 2021. Extraction of essential oil from Dracocephalum kotschyi (Lamiaceae), identification of two active compounds and evaluation of the antimicrobial properties. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 267: 1- 26.
- Gholipour, A., Ghorbani Nohooji, M., Rasuli, N. and Habibi, M. 2014. An ethnobotanical study on the medicinal plants of Zarm-rood Rural District of Neka (Mazandaran Province). Jounnal of Medicinal plants, 4 (52): 101-121.
- Habibi, M., Soleiman, S., Gholamali Pour Alamdari, E. and Jorjani, I. 2013. Investigation the ethnobotany of medicinal plants in Shirvan. The First Conrference of National Resources Management, 8pp.
- Haerinasab, M. and Abbasi, S. 2019. Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants and introduction to some poisonous plant species of Ardestan (Isfahan Province). Journal of Medicinal Plants, 122-144.
- Heidari, A., Zali, SH. and Heidari, Gh. 2015. Ethnobotanical survey of Namarestagh summer rangelands, Amol (Mazandaran). Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine, 5 (4): 330-339.
- Heinrich, M. 2015. Ethnobotany and its role in drug development. Phytotherapy Research, 14.
- Hooper, D. and Field, H. 1973. Useful plants and drugs of Iran and Iraq, Field museum of Natural History. Botanical Series, 9 (3): 71- 241.
- Hosseini, M., Rahim Forouzeh, M. and Barani, H. Identification and investigation of ethnobotany of some medicinal plants in Razavi Khorasan Province. Journal of Medicinal Plants, 18(70): 212-231.
- Hosseini, S, H., Bibak, H. and Ramezani Qara, A. 2020. Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants of the South Kerman. Eco-phytochemical Journal of Medicinal Plants,1: 30-64.
- Iranmanesh, M., Najafi, S. and Yosefi, M. 2010. Studies on ethnobotany of important medicinal plants in Sistan. Journal of Herbal Drugs, 1(2): 61-68.
- Janda, K., Gutowska, I., Geszke-Moritz, M. and Jakubczyk, K. 2021. The Common Cichory (Cichorium intybus) as a source of extracts with health-promoting properties- A Review. Journal of Molecules. 26(6): 1-14.
- Khodayari, H., Amani, Sh. and Amiri, H. 2014. Ethnobotany of medicinal plants in the Northeast of Khoozestan Province. Ecophytochemical Journal of Medicinal Plants, 8:12-25.
- Khodayari, H. and Amani, Sh. 2015. Ethnobotanical study about medicinal plants in Ize (Khuzestan Province). The first national conference on medicinal herbs, traditional medicine and organic farming, Hamadan, 161:1-15.
- Khorshid Abas, Z., Saggu, S., Sakeran, M., Zidan, N., Rehman, H. and Ansari, A. 2015. Phytochemical, antioxidant and mineral composition of hydroalcoholic extract of chicory (Cichorium intybus L,) leaves. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 22: 322-326.
- Komarov, V, L. and Shishkin, B,K, (chief editors). 1963-2001. Flora of the USS,R, vols 1-30, IPST and Keter Press, and Shiva Offset Press.
- Long, Ch. and Rong, L. 2004. Ethnobotanical studies on medicinal plants used by the Red-headed Yao People in Jinping, Yunnan Province, China. Journal of Ethno Pharmacology, 90- 99.
- Mafakheri, S., Asghari, B. and Nikjuyan, M.J. 2018. Effect of nano zinc chelate on morpho-physiological and phytochemical chracteristics of Dracocephalum kotschyi in drought stress condition. Iranian Journal of Horticultural Science. 49: 755-767.
- Mahdavi-Meymand, Z. and Mirtajadini, M. 2010. The collection and identification of the some plant species of Kerman province. Journal of Medicinal Plants, 2: 1-
- Mardani nejhad, Sh. and Vazirpour, M. 2012. Study of ethnobotany of medicinal plants by people of Mobarakeh in the Esfahan province. Journal of Herbal Drugs, 2: 111-129.
- Mirdeilami, S.Z., Heshmati, G.A. and Barani, H. 2014. Ethnobotanical and ethnoecological survey on medicinal species (case study Kechik Rangelands in the Northeast Golestan Province). Semiannual Journal of Indigenous Knowledge, 2: 129-154.
- Mobayen, S. 1981. Plant Geography, 2nd edition, Tehran University Publication, Tehran.
- Mobin, S (Ed,). 1975 -1995. Iran flora, flora of vascular plant, Tehran University Press,Tehran, Iran, 1-4.
- Mosaddegh, M., Naghibi, F., Moazzeni, H., Pirani A. and Esmaeili, S. 2012. Ethnobotanical survey of herbal remedies traditionally used in Kohghiluyeh va Boyer Ahmad province of Iran. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 111: 11-12.
- Mousavi, S.M., Hashemi, S.A., Behbudi, G., Mazraedoost, S., Omidifar, N., Gholami, A., Chiang, C., Babapoor, A. and Pynadathu Rumjit, N. 2021. A review on health benefits of Malva sylvestris nutritional compounds for metabolites, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and antimicrobial applications. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 1-13.
- Mozaffarian, V. 2010. Trees and shrubs of Iran, Farhang Moaser Publications, Tehran.
- Mozaffarian, V. 2013. Identification of medicinal and aromatic plants of Iran, Farhang Moaser Publishers, Tehran, 1430 pp.
- Noreen, S., Mubarik, F., Farooq, F., Khan, M., Ullah khan, A. and Sari pane, Y. 2021. Medicinal uses of Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra ). A comprehensive review. Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 9: 668-675.
- Okkes, I.M., Jamoulle, M., Lamberts, H. and Bentzen, N. 2000. ICPC-2-E, The electronic version of ICPC-2, Differences with the printed version and the consequences. Fam Pract, 17:101-106.
- Omidbeigi, R. 2015. Production Plants and Products of Medicinal Plants (Vol, 2), Designers Publishing, 442p.
- Pairanj, J., Ebrahimi, A., Tarnain, F. and Hassanzadeh, M. 2011. Investigation on the geographical distribution and life form of plant species in sub Alpine Zone Karsank Region, Shahrekord. Taxonomy and Biosystematics, 7:1-10.
- Parvaiz, M. 2014. Ethnobotanical studies on plant resources of Mangowal, District Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan. Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine, 4(5): 364-370.
- Raunkiaer, C. 1934. The life form of plant and statistical plant geography, Clarendon Press, Oxford.
- Razmjoue, D., Zarei, Z. And Armand, R. 2018. Ethnobotanical study (identification, medical properties and how to use) of some medicinal plants of Behbahan city of Khuzestan Province, Journal of Medicinal Plants, 4 (64): 33-49.
- Rechinger, K.H. (Ed,). 1963–2015. Flora Iranica, vols, 1–181, Akademische Druck-U Verlagsanstalt, Graz.
- Saadatpour, M., Barani, H., Abedi sarvestani, A. and Froozeh, M.R. 2017. Ethnobotanic study of medicinal plants in Sajasrood (Zanjan province). Journal of Medicinal Plants, 8:185-193.
- Sharififar, F., Moharam Khani, M.R., Moattar, F., Babakhanloo, P. and Khodami, M. 2014. Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants of Joopar mountains of Kerman Province. Journal of Kerman University of Medical Sciences, 21(1): 37-51.
- Shokrollahi, Sh. and Heshmati, G. A. 2016. Different aspects of Mallow (Malva sylvestris) and results of new research findings: A Review. Journal of Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences, 1: 1-8.
- Singh, A. and Dubey, N.K. 2012. An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants in Sonebhadra District of Uttar, Pradesh, India with reference to their infection by foliar fungi. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 6: 2727-2746.
- Tabatabaei, S.M. 2016. Indigenous knowledge of natives in north of nayin township on the use of medicinal plants, Master's Thesis. Faculty of Natural Resources and Marine Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University.
- Taghipour, S., Hassanzadeh, M. and Hosseini, S. 2011. Introduction of the flora, life form and chorology of the Alla region and Rudzard in Khuzestan province. Taxonomy and Biosystematics, 9:15-30.
- Terninko, I.I., Nemyatykh, O.D., Sakipova, Z.B., Kuldyrkaeva, E.V. and Onishschenko, U.E. 2017. Phytochemical and pharmacological vectors from Malva Sylvestris, for application in dermatological practice. Journal of Medicinal Plants, 50: 805-809.
- Toghranegar, Z., Vafadar, M. and Ghorbani Nohooji, M. 2020. Ethnopharmacological study of medicinal plants effective in the treatment of gastro-intestinal diseases in Mahneshan County. Journal Medicinal Plants, 19: 266-290.
- Townsend, C.C. and Guest, E. 1960-1985. Flora of Iraq, Vol., 1-9, Ministry of agriculture and agaiarian reform, Baghdad.
- Trotter, R.T. and Logan, M.H. 1986. Informant consensus: A new approach for identifying potenially effective medicinal plants, Agris-Fao. 1- 343.
- Vafadar, M. and Toghranegar, Z. 2020. Ethnobotanical study of some medicinal plants of Abhar county, Zanjan province. Journal Medicinal Plants, 19: 30- 54.