Ethnobotany of Native Medicinal Plants in Zagheh and Biranshahr districts, Lorestan Province, Iran
Subject Areas : Medicinal Plants
Esmaeil Delfan Delfan
حامد خدایاری
Khosro Azizi
1 - Dept. of Biology, Faculty of Science, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran
2 - عضو هیات علمی دانشگاه لرستان
3 - Dept. of Agronomy and plant breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran
Keywords: Diseases, Medicinal Plants, Ethnobotany, Beiranshahr, Zagheh,
Abstract :
Abstract The purpose of this study was to collect, identify the distribution and medicinal plants uses in Zagheh and Biranshahr areas. Due to the necessity of identifying the medicinal species, we used questionnaires to collect information on the use of medicinal plants by native people in these areas. After transferring the samples to the herbarium of the University of Lorestan for each plant species, their medicinal and traditional uses were coordinated with other available reliable sources. Based on the results, 218 medicinal species were identified from 55 families out of which 35 species belonged to Asteraceae, 21 species to Fabaceae, 19 species to Lamiaceae, 15 species to Liliaceae, 11 species to Rosacea, 10 Species to Brassicaceae, 9 species to Apiacea, 7 species to Poaceae and others belonged to different families. Among the 218 introduced species, 110 species were widely used for most of the populations in the studied area. The highest consumption of medicinal plants in the field of ethnobotanical related to relieve digestive problems (36%), respiratory (16%), blood sugar and lipid lowering (10%), urinary tract diseases (8%), skin diseases (5%), oral and dental problems (5%), and ocular diseases (2%). Evaluation of the results were showed that there is a wide variety of medicinal plants in the Beyranshahr and Zagheh areas that their therapeutic applications are common in Iranian traditional medicine and research on these medicinal plants can be a way to explore new drugs in the field of treatment.
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