Designing and compiling the model for determining the tuition fees of non-government schools in Alborz province based on the model of Turkey and Germany
Subject Areas :ahmad tavaffi 1 * , زهرا لبادی 2 , Fahimeh Alsadat Haghighi 3
1 - گروه علوم تربیتی، دانشکده تعلیم و تربیت اسلامی ، واحد کرج، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، کرج،ایران
2 - استاد
3 - Department of Educational Planning, Faculty of Psychology, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran
Keywords: non-profit schools, non-government school tuition, tuition determination model,
Abstract :
purpose of this research is to design and compile a model for determining the tuition fees of non-government schools in Alborz province based on the model of Turkey and Germany. In terms of practical purpose, in terms of qualitative-adaptive method, it is the Brady model (1969). The statistical community includes three education systems. education in Iran, Germany and Turkey, and the statistical sample included private and non-governmental education systems from three countries: Iran, Turkey and Germany. The research tools were all documents, articles, instructions, section letters and other field sources available to the researcher. Using Brady's (1969) four-stage model, includes description, interpretation, comparison and comparison. The results of the research showed that the factors that determine tuition are: the economic structure of countries (capitalism and free, state and mixed economy), centralized and decentralized education system, political structure and educational and curriculum programs play a fundamental role in determining tuition and also the component academic course, city and region of residence, extracurricular activities, physical space, equipment and facilities (laboratories, workshops and sports halls and swimming pools and other things), general, specialized and professional qualifications of teachers, nutrition, transportation costs and Transfer is considered as the components that determine the tuition fee and among them components of the teacher and services and the type of school and costs are in the highest priority and then the different economic structure countries are in the next priority and according to the available facilities other costs It is added to the total cost.
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