Presenting a model for the personal development program of organizational managers
Subject Areas :Mahdi Afshari 1 , nader soleimani 2 * , Hamid shafizadeh 3
1 - PhD student in Educational Administration, Marand branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch, Garmsar, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch, Garmsar, Iran
Keywords: Competencies of managers, Professional Development Model, personal development program, Grounded Theory,
Abstract :
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to provide a model of individual development program for organizational managers. Method: In this research, the researcher used the " Grounded Theory " method. The target population of the research consisted of all employees working in managerial and specialized positions of the National Bank of Iran group, which are 14,560 people in total. The required sample of the research was obtained by using two methods of "theoretical sampling" and "Snowball sampling" and finally selecting the number of 30 people as a sample. The research data collection tool was a semi-structured interview. The validity of the research was evaluated and confirmed by using methods such as review by members, triangulation (three-way perspective) of data sources, review by colleagues and review by supervisors. In addition, in order to evaluate the validity of the research, the researcher also used the strategies of piti and Colleagues, Charmez, Lincoln and Guba and finally getting its approval was done. Findings: The results of the research data analysis indicated that the professional development program of National Bank managers in the form of 6 key dimensions (knowledge, attitudinal, communication, professional, leadership, spiritual competencies) as a central phenomenon, three Key dimension (individual level, organizational level and trans-organizational level) as causal factors, which at the individual level consists of 6 key components (motivation, willingness to learn, interpretability, passion for progress, leadership and challenging thinking), at the organizational level consists of 3 key components And at the extra-organizational level, they were involved in 3 key components. Also, the structural and content factors as the governing platform and the factors affecting the research strategies at three levels are introduced and finally the knowledge-oriented and skill-oriented strategies as the main strategies of the professional development program of the bank managers are announced and the most important consequences of the implementation of the research model strategies in the framework of 4 factors are introduced. and was counted. Conclusion: The personal development program model is a coherent and effective tool for the development of human resources and in alignment with the development of individual and organizational competencies needed by employees to realize their professional development.
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