Explaining the style of Jihadi management in cyberspace by inferring from verses and traditions
Subject Areas :Seyyed Jamaleddin Taghavi 1 , Seyede Fatemeh Mousavi 2 * , Mohsen Zarei Jaliani 3
1 - PhD.student in Quran and Hadith Studies, Department of Islamic Studies, Kazeron Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kazeron, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Iran.
3 - Department of Islamic Studies, Kazeron Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kazeron, Iran.
Keywords: Management strategies, cyberspace, jihadi management, verses and narrations.,
Abstract :
Purpose: One of the multifaceted issues in today's world is cyberspace and its management. This study, by explaining the jihadi management style inferred from verses and narrations, offers solutions for managing cyberspace.
Method: The present study, using a descriptive-inferential method and library study, inferred the characteristics of jihadi management from verses and narrations, and then presented management solutions in cyberspace within the framework of the four management stages (planning, organizing, leadership, and control).
Results:Insight-building and insight-enhancing, timely and appropriate confrontation, confrontation with good arguments, self-belief combined with belief in God, and idealism combined with realism are among the most important strategies in the field of planning. In the field of organization, resource mobilization and cooperation based on monotheistic beliefs; in the field of leadership, the selection of a single leader, heartfelt acceptance of the leader, law-abidingness along with gentleness and cheerfulness, and decision-making during the four stages are among the most important strategies. In the field of control, the most important strategies are gradual, frequent, and diverse encounters and control of news through expert inference.
Conclusion: Observations in cyberspace should be progressive, technological, intelligent and wise. Leadership should be achieved with guardianship over hearts, compassionately and responsibly and not simply in the administrative process. It is suggested that the solutions presented by the Cultural Revolution Council and the National Cyberspace Center be verified through quasi-experimental research.
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