The effect of virtual social media on risk taking in students
Subject Areas :maryam talebdoost 1 , Mahnaz Amirpour 2 * , Masoud Imanian Ardabili 3
1 - PhD student in Economic Sociology and Development, Department of Social Sciences, Quchan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Quchan, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Quchan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Quchan, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, Quchan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Quchan, Iran
Keywords: virtual social media, risk taking, Instagram, students.,
Abstract :
Purpose: The aim of the current research was to examine the pathology of virtual social media on the development of risk-taking among students. The method of this research was survey-descriptive and practical in terms of purpose.
Method: The statistical population included 313 high school students of Qochan city who had an Instagram user account. Therefore, the sample size was determined based on the random sampling method of 380 people. The research tool was designed through a researcher-made questionnaire that was the result of the subject literature. For the validity of the tool, its value was 0.88 using the formal method and reliability with Cronbach's alpha test. For data analysis, Friedman's statistical tests were used to prioritize the indicators and how the variables influence the Amos software.
Findings: The findings showed that the highest frequency of reference by Instagram users in the dimension of social-virtual media belongs to the cultural component with a frequency of 313, and in the dimension of sexual risk-taking, it belongs to the component of tendency to sexual relations with a frequency of 313. The prioritization of sexual risk-taking indicators shows that the change of human values and beliefs and the tendency to the opposite sex has the highest average of 4.51, and informing parents has the lowest average of 3.89. Also, sexual risk taking and body management had a significant relationship with Instagram virtual space.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that the use of Instagram media, in addition to the many benefits it has in daily life, can be threatening for students. Therefore, the planners of the education system should be able to reduce the amount of cyberspace threats by building the capacity of students and increasing their media literacy.
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