Economic and institutional factors influencing economic growth with emphasis on Islamic financing instruments
hossein saveh shemshaki
Training Department of Management and Economics, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran
mohamad dalman pour
Training Department of Management and Economics, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran
Ashkan Rahimzadeh
Assistant professor , Faculty of Economics , Zanjan Azad University
Teymoor Mohammadi
Economics Department, Economics School, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Estimated Weighted Least Squares (EGLS) Method, Economic Growth, Islamic Financing Instruments, Governance Quality Index,
Abstract :
One of the important issues in economic research is identifying the variables that affect economic growth. In Islamic economics, Islamic financial instruments (Sukuk) are recognized as one of the key components that distinguish Islamic economics from other economic systems. The main question is whether these instruments always have a positive effect on economic growth and what is the role of institutional factors in this? This article examines the question of what effect two main factors, namely Islamic financial instruments and institutional indicators, have on Iran's economic growth. For this purpose, economic data including capital and labor have been collected from the World Bank and information related to the issuance of Sukuk from the website ( In this study, the weighted least squares (EGLS) model has been used to estimate the data. Also, governance indicators have been considered as representatives of institutional factors. The results of this study show that the issuance of Islamic financial instruments, improving governance indicators, gross fixed capital formation, and increasing the labor force have had positive and significant effects on Iran's economic growth.
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