Presenting a model for predicting the price of digital currency in conditions of environmental uncertainty with a fuzzy artificial neural network
Subject Areas : Computational economics
mohammad hasan darvish motevali
shirin amini
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Management, West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Information Technology Management, Kish International Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kish, Iran
Keywords: fuzzy neural network, prediction, , bitcoin price, , , ,
Abstract :
AbstarctIn this research, using the method of fuzzy neural networks, the price of Bitcoin is predicted. In order to identify the appropriate criteria in this research in order to predict the price of Bitcoin, we have used previous studies and researches in this field in the first stage. In the following, using interviews with experts and experts in this field, the available information about Bitcoin became the final factors. Research information was collected using related sites and identified criteria. In this way, we first normalized the collected data. In the next step, by entering the normalized information into the MATLAB software and using the designed toolbox and using the fuzzy neural network method, Bitcoin price was predicted. In this way, 60% of the input data, which includes 1330 data, was considered as training data and 40% of the data, which is 887 data, was considered as testing. The research results show high accuracy prediction using the proposed method. As the error was considered in two cases, a small value was calculated for the error of the method. Keywords: prediction, bitcoin price, fuzzy neural network.