The Analysis of Developmental Opportunities in an Old Urban Texture (Case Study: down town Kermanshah)
Subject Areas :Leila MosaviDarAmrodi 1 * , Majid Shams 2 , Nowzar Ghanbari 3
1 - PhD student of Geography and Urban Planning, Malayer Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamadan, Iran
2 - Ph.D, Associate Professor, Geography Department, Malayer Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamadan, Iran
3 - , Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Geography department,Kermanshah Branch, Islamic Azad University, , Kermanshah, Iran
Keywords: Kermanshah, Opportunity, central part, wear out urban texture, Development reconstruction,
Abstract :
The Population increase, as well as, the limitations of physical expansion and development in large cities reminds the necessity of improvement and innovation of the old urban texture of these cities. The aim of this study is to identify the potentials and internal limitations of urban texture of Kermanshah. Moreover, the study tries to show the external opportunities and threats of these areas. Furthermore, the feasibility of using developmental opportunities and promotion of environmental activities in old texture areas and central part of Kermanshah are analyzed too. The research is an applied one and the methodology of this research is descriptive- analytic. The relevant information was collected through library method and note-taking, a questionnaire, and field studies. Descriptive and inferential statistics along with SWAT model were used to analyze the data. Based on the results of four factors of the SWOT technique analysis, the district of the study has 12 advantages, 10 potentials,12 vulnerabilities, and9 threats. To draw the SWOT matrix, the top final score index of four factors (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) were used. Based on this matrix in a logical framework the external main opportunities and threats can be compared with internal weakness and strength to determine compatible development patterns with external and internal situations.