Assessing effective factors on the progress of construction project in korramabad city with emphasis on the functions of the components of the civil management
Subject Areas :
Hekmat amiri
nemat shakarami
Mohsen kmandari
1 - PHD, Associate Professor, Department Urban Planning, lorestan University
2 - PhD Student in Geography and urban planning Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
3 - PhD Student in Geography and urban planning Ferdowsi University of Mashhad(fum).
Received: 2005-04-28
Accepted : 2016-04-05
Published : 2017-05-22
urban management,
Khorram Abad,
Abstract :
Performance of projects of civil development and adaptable performance of civil projects which contain all aspects of civil life and satisfies the citizens’ needs with ever-increasing urban and development of cities is an inevitable necessity. In urban projects, like the other projects, the success of the project and all its agents of satisfaction may be the most important issue in project management .The nature of this research, the evaluation of the urban management roles in Khorramabad in the implementation of projects, is descriptive research along with analytical methods. The data and information was collected from library resources through a questionnaire and hundred twenty subjects were consulted from the statistical community of Khorramabad managers .Cochrane formula is used. Data were analyzed using SPSS software and AHP analysis model. Results achieved showed that among the most effective factors, the support from the managers occupies the first position and timing was recognized as the last effective factor. Furthermore, there were fifteen sub-categories among which participation and leadership were recognized as the most important and delays and managers education were the least important sub-categories among the effective factors.
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