Ecological Analysis of Green Space Jiroft Using Landscape Metrics
Subject Areas :Maryam Larijani 1 , Fatemeh Ghassami 2 * , Elham Yusefi Robiat 3
1 - Ph.D, Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Education, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
2 - PhD student of Environment Education, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran
3 - PhD student of Environment Planning, Management and Education, Tehran University
Keywords: green space, LandscapeMetrics, composition anddistribution,
Abstract :
Application of landscape ecology in the field of urban planning indicates the quantitative interpretability and the analysis capability of the results of such analysis which shows the interaction of humans and their environment which in most cases happen to be a heterogeneous and disorder one that occurs at ground level. The rapid growth of urban changes spatial patterns of land uses in particular green spaces. Therefore, in this research, to improve green spaces and integration of it to sustainable development; the composition and distribution of green space of Jiroft with the help of landscape metrics(including CAP MPS, MNN, NP)is considered. The results of this study indicate that the composition and distribution of green space in significant part of Jiroft are not favorable conditions and mosaic network of urban green space patches of extent and continuity are not required to provide ecological services. Therefore, it is suggested to improve the ecological processes in areas where there are discrete green patches with a small area in order to create continuity between them.