Skeleton-physical structure and its role in urban traffic (case study Boroujerd city)
Subject Areas :Asghar Nazareyan 1 , Davood Goodarzi 2 *
1 - , Ph.D., Professor .Islamic Azad University,Tehran research & Science Branch
2 - , MA.,. Islamic Azad University، Boroujerd.
Keywords: urban traffic, land use, Boroujerd, Skeleton structure, passage network, urban transportation,
Abstract :
Traffic is an important urban challenge that cities of developing countries face it.Traffic problem is resulted from the increasing growth of urbanization and the inefficiency of the skeleton and physical development of cities in the vertical and horizontal dimensions. Furthermore, the increasing number of vehicles and unsuitable passage network system as well as the ravage of the city's public transport system and unsuitable localization of land use in the city level, especially transportation equipment jam in the central part of the city can be considered as gravity point and attraction for travel during day which help devastating the city’s potentials. Boroujerd is located among the medium sized cities in Iranian urban network system, which with respect to the design of city, has a centralized form and traffic problem. The problems of such cities are fairly clear in the central part of city. This city, despite of its physical development and growth, has ignored central inappropriate localization of transportation vehicles as well as city facilities such as businesses, educational and administrative services and health services which are centralized in the center of city. The passage network in this medium urban city doesn't have enough capacity for daily population and vehicles transportation. In order to evaluate the potential effects of these pressing problems, the present research has deployed software, namely ArcGIS،AuTOCAD ،Excel،SPSS to investigate the problem. The collected information was analyzed in order to distinguish the most problematic areas which need immediate concern. The results of this research showed that the communication networks and urban transportation system have meaningful relationship with physical skeleton and space pattern of the city. The skeleton structure of the city and passage network land use and public transportation system were recognized as unsuitable among main factors which had led to the current condition.