Quality of Life in Two Old and New Textures Maragheh Using Entropy and ELECTRE Models
Subject Areas :Isa Ebrahimzadeh 1 , Hassan Ahar 2 * , Farrokh Tahmasebi 3 , Ayyub Manouchehri 4 , Ali Akbar Shahnaz 5
1 - Ph.D. Associate Professor, University of Sistan and Baluchestan
2 - MA. Urban Planning, Science and Research University, Qzvin branch
3 - MA. Geography and Urban Planning, ShahidBeheshty University
4 - Ph.D. Candidate, Tehran University, geography and urban planning
5 - MA. Geography and Urban Planning, University of Sistan and Baluchestan
Abstract :
The quality of urban life, as the most recent intellectual current, has influenced urban planning. Since the 1970s, the study of social indicators as a field of academic social science has gained acceptance. Some attempts have resulted in the production of regular and special reports. This article aims to assess quality of life in both old and new textures of Maragheh city based on economic factors, social, housing, environmental health, access to services and facilities and the quality of urban public transport. The deployed research methodology is descriptive - analytical. Rudimentary library studies were conducted which were later followed in the field using questionnaire. For analysis and ranking of sites, Entropy and ELECTRE methods were used. Based on surveys conducted more points of access to green space was found to be in the first place. Public transport quality indicators, quality roadway access to the residential units, the quality of streets and alleys in the old context were recognized important and occupying latter positions in the ranking continuum. Based on the results of the ELECTRE techniques, Districts 3-6, 2-6 and 1-6 were located in the best of circumstances and localities studied and districts 2-2, 1-3 and 4-4 were the worst and lowest ranks.