Identification and Analysis of Influential Components on Sustainable Urban Revenue Generationwith an Emphasis on Urban Branding (A Case of Urumia)
Subject Areas :hadi alizadeh 1 , Soheila hamidzadeh khiyavi 2 * , karim hosseinzade dalir 3
1 - PhD student, Department of Geography & Urban Planning, Marand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Geography & Urban Planning, Shabestar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar, Iran
3 - Professor of Department of Geography & Urban Planning, Marand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran
Keywords: Tourism, urban management, urban branding, sustainable urban income, Urumia,
Abstract :
A sustainable income is crucial for any organization, whether in urban or other fields. It serves as the fundamental basis for proper and purposeful implementation of an agency's activities. Therefore, managers’ efforts are focused on identifying specific resources for their annual budget and determining alternative resources if needed and utilizing them when necessary. Urban tourism is an alternative field for providing sustainable urban income. This article aims to examine and identify effective components for sustainable urban income in the city of Urumia. The research methodology used in this study is survey-based and descriptive-analytical. The statistical population includes all experts and specialists in the fields of urban management, urban tourism, and urban planning, totaling 95 individuals who were selected using purposive sampling methods. Factor analysis and network analysis models were used to identify effective components for sustainable urban income with a focus on urban branding. The results have shown that urban management, based on six factors including transportation access, media and advertising activities, access to urban services and tourist facilities, among others, can utilize urban branding in the field of tourism to bring about sustainable income for the city and its economy.
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