تحلیل و ارزیابی تحققپذیری طرحهای توسعه شهری ایران با تأکید بر شهر شهرکرد
Subject Areas :
Gashtaseb Kiani
Coorus Afzali
Keramatollah Ziairi
1 - Ph.D. student of urban planning at Azad University of Kerman
2 - 2Faculty Member, Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch, Iran– Professor of Geography and Urban Planning
3 - Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: urban development plans, strategic planning, urban culture, realization, Shahrshahrkord,
Abstract :
The current research is based on the applied-developmental goal and the method of doing it is descriptive-analytical and it is among the qualitative researches. The idea of explaining the feasibility of strategic urban planning in the culture of urban planning in Iran: based on the determination of the success rate of the feasibility of strategic planning in the evaluation system, criteria and achievement of predetermined goals, it is of interest. Therefore, the aim of this research is first to formulate the criteria and indicators of realizability in the urban development plans of the global system and then it is measured through the extracted criteria of the urban development plans of Iran in order to determine how their performance is to achieve development and from the MAXQDA software (indices of urban development plans on a global scale) were content analyzed and nearly 450 primary codes were extracted in the form of 110 core codes. Then, by reviewing and revising, the number of core codes were selected and refined to 79 codes, and finally they were selected to 7 main codes and components, which shows that it is based on these components that urban planning and especially strategic planning is realized. These components (adaptability, coordination, communication and systematicity, flexibility, realism, decentralized and participatory planning and transparency) are in procedures and processes. Then, the indicators and components were examined on a national scale and in the form of a pilot in the city of Shahrekord. That is, the indicators that have been obtained at the global level and the evaluation that has been done at the national level, now a model (according to the data base theory) was presented, which characteristics should this model have if it is to be presented in Shahrekord. The achievement of this research is to identify the development indicators for the realization of urban plans as well as to measure, rank, analyze and evaluate them in the global dimension of Iran and to provide a particularly desirable model. According to the findings, among the components proposed to identify the most important component affecting the realization of strategic plans in the global dimension, the components of realism and decentralized and participatory planning have had the greatest impact. In Iran, all the components for the realization of urban development plans are in an unfavorable situation. In other words, urban development plans with an emphasis on strategic plans could not be fully realized, which is the reason for not paying attention to realizability indicators.
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