Survey and spatial analysis of the resilience of urban areas (case study: Bushehr city)
Subject Areas :
Ali Khosrokhah
Abbas MalekHoseini
1 - PhD student in the field of geography and urban planning, Islamic Azad University, Malayer branch, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Malayer Branch, Islamic Azad University, Malayer, Iran
Keywords: spatial analysis, resilience, urban areas, Bushehr,
Abstract :
Spatial analysis is a methodological approach used to identify and examine the dispersions and interrelationships of phenomena, as well as their differences and similarities, within a geographical context. Resilience, as a form of foresight, reflects the dynamic nature of society’s responses to events and helps expand policy options to address uncertainty and change. This study aimed to investigate and spatially analyze resilience indicators in the urban areas of Bushehr. The research employed a descriptive-analytical method, with data collected through documentary sources and field surveys (questionnaire). Data analysis was conducted using the VIKOR multi-criteria decision-making process and Shannon entropy method. According to Shannon entropy results, the weights of the physical-infrastructural, institutional, economic, and social dimensions were 0.806, 0.512, 0.110, and 0.095, respectively. The findings, based on the VIKOR model, indicated that the overall physical-infrastructural, institutional, economic, and social resilience in Bushehr are in unfavorable conditions, with average index scores of 4.71, 3.84, 3.00, and 2.01, respectively.
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