Identification of effective drivers in the future of ecological city (Case study: Dorcheh city)
Subject Areas :
Ebrahim Barati
Hamin Saberi
Ahmad khademAlhosseyni
Mehri Azani
1 - PhD Student in Geography and Urban Planning, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Tourism Research Center, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Tourism Research Center, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor, Tourism Research Center, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran
Keywords: Futurism, Development, Dorcheh City, Ecological Approach, MICMAC,
Abstract :
In the current century, when the development of science and technology is accompanied by speed, complexity and uncertainties, traditional methods of planning face serious challenges. One of these challenges and weaknesses is the inability of traditional planning to identify key factors. It is ecologically effective in the future development of cities. In fact, the futurist approach to urban planning uses a variety of tools and techniques to build a better future. The present study has identified the key factors affecting the development of Dorcheh city with the technique of interaction analysis, which is one of the common methods of foresight, and using MIC MAC software, with emphasis on the ecological approach. For this purpose, using the Delphi method, among the proposed variables, 20 variables were identified in five groups (social dimensions, political dimensions, economic dimensions, environmental dimensions and physical dimensions) and then analyzed by Mick Mac software. And analyzed. The results indicate that the Dorcheh city system does not have ecological stability and in the scattering page of Mick Mac diagram, five categories of variables (effective, two-dimensional, affective, regulatory and independent) can be identified, finally according to the impact and variability of variables. On top of each other, four variables of environmental degradation, clean energy use, tourism development and agricultural land conservation were identified as the driving and key variables for the development of Dorcheh city with emphasis on ecological approach.
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