Qualitative Evaluation of Urban Square Morphology Based On HSE and AGE Models
Subject Areas :hamid Danesh pajouh 1 , hamid Majedi 2 * , Zahra Sadat Seyyede Zarabadi 3
1 - Ph. D student of Urban Planning, Sciences and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Professor of Urban Planning, Sciences and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Associated Professor of Urban Planning, Sciences and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: urban square, social node, QRM matrix, HSE method, AGE method,
Abstract :
Due to the social nature of man, urban spaces such as squares are considered to be the most important manifestations of social nodes in urban life. While these squares take historical forms, they have such special place and time significance that cognitive documentation of this phenomenon as a major pillar of urban spaces can be used to qualitatively identify squares and public realms that are the foundation of social interaction. In order to have the knowledge of their morphological evaluation to express design principles, consulting with urban design experts is a must. The traditional evaluation of the urban square, due to its specific qualitative dimensions, was considered as a qualitative judgment which often had a high error rate in the survey, so the majority of the studies, generally, are qualitative and based on pure analysis. The purpose of the current research is the phenomenological recognition and qualitative analysis of urban space. Using a combination of several methods, first, the field element in the quality recognition matrix and the six Wolfrum criteria as well as sixteen urban squares were selected from the European cities, In the first stage, by means of Human Subjective Evaluation and Normalized AccumulatedQuality Graph Output, the numerical value was accumulated and then analyzed using the Automatic Geography Evaluation method. Finally, examining the correlation of these two methods led to the qualitative measurement of these urban elements. First, the selected ones were evaluated through HSE method analysis and NAQ extraction primary evaluation about human approach oriented was done. Second, using the AGE method in the analysis, the researchers evaluated the next step of that up to geometrical automotive and correlation between them. The results of the present study showed that this urban element had many dimensions to be quantitatively extracted. Last, all of the models for evaluation of square qualities in this study are considered the primary step to help the researchers have a functional standard draft while designing.
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