Measuring Citizens’ Satisfaction with Municipality Performance via Good Urban Governance Approach (Case study: Kiasar Town)
Subject Areas :komeil abdi 1 * , maryam jafari mehrabadi 2 , mostafa safaie reyneh 3 , shamila allahyari 4
1 - PhD in Geography and Urban Planning, Elite Researchers Club, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Gilan University, Gilan, Iran
3 - University of TehranPh.D. Student of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
4 - MSc in Geography and Urban Planning, University of Gilan, Gilan, Iran
Keywords: Social Justice, urban management, Kiasar, urban good governance,
Abstract :
In today world, with the communication technology and skills progression, the citizens’ expectations from the urban managers grow up. Because of this, the municipalities make efforts to recognize the citizens’ expectations and boost the service providing process quality and also to measure their satisfaction level. Seeking solutions to resolve the citizens’ problems and enhance urban management approaches have been proposed, one of which is known as “urban good governance”. The current research aims to measure Kiasar town dwelling citizens’ satisfaction with urban managers’ performance and the municipality .The research has been done by descriptive-analytical method and is of applied studies. The urban good governance measurement indicators have been extracted from documentary references and interviewing with the experts .The sample size has consisted of 250 subjects chosen out of 5000 Kiasari citizens .The study derived results indicated that urban good governance of Kiasar is in average status and even in social justice dimension, transparency, receptiveness and responsiveness to the citizens aren’t in appropriate condition. In addition, to analyze the relations between good urban governance, structural modeling and path analysis have been applied .The results displayed that among the extracted indicators, receptiveness and responsiveness with coefficient 0.197 have had the highest effect and the indicator known as participation with coefficient 0.743 has had the lowest impact on urban good governance in Kiasar town.
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