A Comparative Study of Educational Concepts of Revolution in the Poems of Four Contemporary Poets of the Islamic Revolution
Subject Areas : Political philosophy of the Islamic Revolution
Farhad Akhondi
Gholamali Zare
masood mahdian
maliha mahdavi
1 - Ph.D. student of Persian language and literature, Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katul branch, Golestan, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor, Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor of Islamic Azad University, Aliabad Katul branch, Golestan, Iran.
4 - Faculty member of Islamic Azad University of Aliabad Katoul
Keywords: Islamic Revolution, Resistance, contemporary poetry, educational themes, Revolutionary motives,
Abstract :
The Islamic Revolution, as a civilization-building phenomenon, faced many fields of poetry and literature with profound development. The post-revolutionary poetry could not be a poem with aesthetic principles or preserve the social symbolism of the 1970s. Educative and moral themes emerged along with justice-seeking and identity-seeking themes, and the poets of the Islamic revolution such as Sabzevari, Harati, Azizi, Aminpour, etc. tried to crystallize popular ideals and the revolution in contemporary literature. Based on this, the present article tried to examine, analyze, and classify the revolutionary motivations in the poems of four poets of the revolution (Tahereh Saffarzadeh, Seyed Ali Mousavi Garmaroudi, Gheisar Aminpour, and Hamid Sebzevari) while examining the roots of revolution and resistance poetry. The hypothesis of the article is an emphasis on the fact that educational, stable, and critical motivations were the most important reasons for writing post-revolutionary poems in the poetry of these four. The methodology of this article is descriptive-analytical. The findings showed that among the three components of revolutionary motives (educational, stability-resistance, and criticism), the most frequent revolutionary motive among post-Islamic revolution poets is the educational motive.