The seduction of religious counterrevolution to children (case study: "Soul" animation)
Subject Areas : Political philosophy of the Islamic Revolution
Morteza Azizi
Shohreh Pirani
1 - PhD student in Political Sociology of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Political Science and Islamic Revolution Studies, Shahid University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Children, Religious education, animation, revolutionism, the ghost,
Abstract :
With the development of technology, the quality of making animations has become more complicated in parallel with their narratives; So much so that the inclusion of the audience has expanded from children to adults, and the countries with technology are using it to convey the message to different generations around the world in order to influence the content more than in the past. Naturally, the identification of the main and secondary themes of these animations will point out the harm and danger that should be carefully studied and given serious attention in the planning and development of this industry in accordance with the ideals and needs of the Islamic Revolution of Iran. This article aims to examine the animation "Soul" with a qualitative approach and the method of theme analysis, and aims to reveal its hidden layer, which is in opposition to religious and revolutionary foundations. The findings indicate that the international system will be considered as a disruptive element and will confront any factor that changes its basic criteria and causes imbalance in the international system. This axis can be examined in this animation, which leads children's worldview and tendencies towards Western atheistic schools with a soft and gradual approach due to high inculpability, in order to institutionalize the context of their orientation and choice in adulthood. The seduction of religious counter-revolutionism in this animation can be traced and identified with the purposeful western goals with the aim of changing the process of religious education of children, in the event that in the clear layer and the authentic face of a message regardless of religious and political bias, it has been able to gain general acceptance and arouse the admiration of the public. .