Comparison of the components of culture and national identity of Iran and Egypt (Case study: Simin Daneshvar "Sushun" and Najib Mahfouz "Madaq Alley")
Subject Areas : Linguistics,dialectology,folklore,literature
Masoumeh Sadeghi
zahra GanbarAli Bageni
Ibrahim Monsan
1 - Department of Persian Language and Literature, Garmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar, Iran
2 - Faculty member of Applied Linguistics Research Center, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran
3 - Persian language and literature
Keywords: Simin Daneshvar, Najib Mahfouz, Suvshon, Kuche Madgh, identity, national culture,
Abstract :
Through stories, writers present their own thoughts and ideas, and sometimes those of society, and their fictional works often display the social, cultural, political, and national culture of the society. Iranian and Arab writers play a decisive role in the field of contemporary literature. Simin Daneshvar is one of the female writers who has addressed the social, political, historical, and national culture of Iran in her novels. In contrast, the Egyptian writer, Naguib Mahfouz, has also had an active presence in the field of contemporary literature and has depicted the most important cultural and social issues of Egypt at a certain point in time in his fictional works with a realistic approach. Considering the influence of these two authors on national and social culture and its reflection in their works, the aim of this research is to find similarities and differences in the components of national culture in the novels “Savashun” by Daneshvar and “Madaq Alley” by Najib Mahfouz using a descriptive-analytical method. The findings of the research indicate that both authors have deeply investigated the social, cultural and historical issues of their society in writing their novels, such as the consequences of war, social insecurity, patriotism, wedding ceremonies, etc. National identity in “Savashun” is formed mostly through the individual and collective struggles of the characters; while in “Madaq Alley”, national identity is depicted through the daily life and social interactions of the characters
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