The domain of Jurisprudence at the Analysis of Meta-Contract in the Cyber Space
Subject Areas : Legal Studies of Cyberspace
Mohammad Rashidi
akbar bashiri
Abasat Pourmohammad
1 - ph,d student
2 - Assistant professor,Faculty of law, Islamic azad university, Maragheh. Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Maragheh Branch, Maragheh, Iran.
Keywords: keywords: Five components, Jurisprudence Rules, Meta-contract, Semi-old,
Abstract :
Abstract Regarding the Jurisprudence Rules has been mentioned in the field of traditional contract law more or less. What has not so far been discussed is the necessity to analysis and recognize the scope Jurisprudence Rules. In other words, if you choose the law related to the judiciary, their comparison will also be made. The meta-contract was made up five components Include: 1. Computers, 2. Digital Currency Technology, 3. Communication, 4.Blockchain, 5. Artificial Strong Intelligence. Meta-Contract has the high-level beyond smart contracts and has been given the short name 'Kabaha'.The purpose of the article is to examine jurisdictional rules with meta-contract. In this way, performance, silence and compliance with these laws can be measured with the aid of technological developments. In this study, descriptive method and content analysis were mainly used to collect data. The hidden edges of the data are tried to be discovered and analyzed in detail through qualitative means and with the help of empirical documents. The findings and conclusions of this study aim to investigate the development of technologies in the field of scientific research and their significant impact on the humanities, especially law and Jurisprudence. It used pre-editing to reduce the impact of main and subsidiary ideas, sometimes causing 'silence' and placing them in 'pseudo-old' position. Therefore, only will be mentioned in the history of legal literature.
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