Opposition Eloquence in Ahmad Matar's Political Poetries
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesAli bagher Taherinia 1 , Hossein Elyasi 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Tehran University
2 - PhD Candidate, Arabic Language & Literature, Tehran University
Keywords: rhetoric, eloquence, الشعر العربی المعاصر, Arabic contemporary poetry, Ahmad Matar, opposition, البلاغة العربیة, علم البدیع, الثنائیة السلبیة والایجابیة, negative opposition, positive opposition,
Abstract :
There is a strong relationship between Ahmad Hasan Matar – Iraqi poet - and religious, social and political issues. His poetry expresses the dominant atmosphere on nations. He has enjoyed various Arabic eloquence techniques including rhetoric science in order to beautify the text. Opposition technique is the one in which something expresses and then any opposition of the subject would be expressed accordingly. The present article intends to study the opposition eloquence in Ahmad Matar's works in a way that initially describes opposition technique in theory and then tries to survey some of the existing opposition techniques in the abovementioned poet's political poetries. The results show that Ahmad Matar has applied opposition technique to express his political purposes and indicate the society's problems.
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