Mostafa Javad and His Scientific – Literal Role in Iraq
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
1 - Assistant Professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Ilam Branch
Keywords: مصطفی جواد, الإسهامات العلمیة, النهضة الثقافیة, المصطلحات العلمیة, Mostafa Javad, scientific role, cultural movement, scientific improvement,
Abstract :
Mostafa Javad is the pioneer of scientific cultural movement, founder of scientific research program in Iraq and Arabic scientist of twentieth century who has done many scientific services in the field of Arabic sciences. He has been presented in literary and scientific meetings as linguist, historian, researcher and famous poet and has left valuable works in various sciences, many articles on manuscripts, history and literary criticism according to his cultural background and profound information of different sciences and independent spirit. Mostafa Javad was well known among common people because of a famous television program titled “say & don’t say”; since he had presented the mentioned program for twenty years. He believed ijtihad in Arabic inflexion and syntax (grammar) and tried to unbound trammels and restrictions in this field and presented his reasoning from deep Arabic syntax and effects of Holy Quran, traditions and Poetries of Dark Ages.
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