The description in the poet of Khalil Mardom Bak
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
Mehdi Momtahen
Azizeh Rahimi
1 - Associat professor islamic azad university jiroft branch
2 - Phd student in Arabic language and literature of Islamic Azad University, Abadan Branch.
Keywords: الأدب, الوصف, خلیل مردم بک, الوطنیة, : literature, descriptions, Khalil Mardom Bak, the National,
Abstract :
Poet Khalil Mardom Bak excellent example of the men released this statement of the era in literature and its effects. Raise high the name of his country, and he fought all his life. It was among the first to Made huge gateway luxury hair literature solid, and reported it, Was link between the ancient and the modern, money to the description, the collection of delicacies and say Beautiful images images, And presented in a beautiful dress and best costume, and tough for the sake of it is not what our generation profoundly regret the loss of sources, and the scarcity of cupboards, and lack of culture, and the diminutive education, drier springs. This article is a study on the life of poet Khalil Mardom Bak and his penchant for description, nature and art, and a few in the national tour of his poet and important source is the Divan poet.
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