The Iranian Kurd Eulogist Of Prophets And Bordeh Bosiri
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesRobabeh Ramezani 1 , Vasim Mahdavi 2
1 - Assistant Professor of Arabic language and literature in Allame Tabatabayi University.
2 - Graduate student at Allameh Tabatabai University
Keywords: بردة البوصیری, الأشعار الکردیّة, الشعراء الأکراد, مدح النبی, Bordeh Bosiri, Kurd Poets, Mohammad (PBUH) eulogists, outstanding merits,
Abstract :
Eulogizing Mohammad (PBUH), with the long history as we know it, has always been in the center of attention for poets since his birth. As we know, one of the most notable poems, categorized as religious poems, is that of Bordeh Bosiri which was written in 7th century and revitalized the eulogy of the Prophet. Since then, following Bosiri’s style, many have portrayed their genuine affections on the paper using various language and interpretations, expressing their sincere love for Him, the Honorable. In present era, many a Kurd poets have entered into this realm. The present paper, through studying common themes and outstanding merits shared by Bordeh Bosiri and other Iranian Kurd eulogists of the Prophet intends to ruminate over such poems what is full of exquisite fragrance of the Prophet and what is a pretext for writers to study the poets’ heartfelt emotions and feelings. May it be well received by Him, the Honorable. Profound emotions, disregarding people in power, in accordance with their eulogies and nearness to God are among the most notable features among contemporary Iranian Kurd poets.
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