Critical Study of Javaheri’s Poetic Moods on Ba'ath Party
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
1 - Assistant Professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Ilam Branch
Keywords: relationship, praise, المدح, شعر الجواهری, البعث, العلاقة, : Javaheri’s poetries, Ba'ath party,
Abstract :
The present research is a criticism on Mohammad Javaheri’s poetries on Ba'ath party who was lived in the peak of events and political evolutions in Iraq which has started since 1920 revolution to Ba'ath party. According to the strong relationship between Javaheri and leaders of Ba'ath, praise and admiration become his poetries’ concepts. None of Ba'ath party’s issues were remained unnoticed without mentioning, paying attention or defending. He was Shiite and of science and literature; but he neglected his countrymen and Ba'ath party’s injustice and oppression. Ba'ath’s praise and admiration in Javaheri’s poetries returns to his bearish behavior which is his specific characteristic. Thus it was necessary to study his poetries and the ones who were against him. His poetries have no specific subject and all is authored about Arab world and Muslims is his improper prejudice and praise. It is completely right that Javaheri is a great poet but his behavior is unforgivable; it is true if it’s claimed most of his poetries are praising kings and bosses who could achieve a great wealth.
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