Aesthetics of color structure in Arabic poem from the point of purport variety
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
Leyla Ghasemi Haji Abadi
Mahdi Momtahen
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Keywords: الشعر, poetry, القرآن الکریم, الجمال, اللون, الدلالة الفنیة والاجتماعیة, البیئة, القیمة الفنیة, structure, alQuran Alkarim, aesthetics, Color, inviroment,
Abstract :
This article is an attempt to investigate the aesthetics of color themes in Arabic poetry. As a means of psychological description, color is one of the manifestations of realism in poetic images. In the application of colors some mythical and civilized structures are portrayed in the culture of nations. Since languages have their own specific organizations of colors, the author aims to measure the degree the poets are influenced by different colors and what they symbolize at the arabic poetry. This article also aims to focus on the significance of the role of colors as one of the main aspects of aesthetics. Evidently, colors are of paramount importance in conveying the sense of beauty and consequently may influence the meaning of beauty in the formation of poetic images. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the reasons behind technical, religious, spiritual, social, symbolic and mythical aspects of the use of colors.
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Journal lists
1-Shavandi,hasan,2009 ,article”dy namism in the poetic image”,Quarterly culture literary.vol.1No.3 summer2009,first year.Islamic azad university, jiroft branch,(137-149)
2-Momtahen,Mehdi,2009,literature of darkness era and natural and social invitonment Quarterly culture literary.vol.1No.3 summer 2009,first year Islamic azad university,jiroft branch,(201-216)