Manifestations of love and women in the Nizar Qabbani’s
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesMohammadhadi Moradi 1 * , Payam Karimi 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Literature, Allama Tabatabaee University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Phd Student, Department of Arabic Literature, Allama Tabatabaee University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: المرأة, Women, الأسطورة, myth, نزار قبانی, Pain, Love, Nizar Qabbani, الکلمات الدلیلیة: الحب, الألم,
Abstract :
Abstract Nizar Qabbani is known among Arab poets as a poet of love and women. In fact these two words in the dictionary of Nizar go out of the framework of definitions and restrictions that make it into the department of the collector and the inhibitor. He tried hard to find these adorable in this picturesque valley; but he did not know her way, however, may open doors to women. In the poems of our poet woman manifested in cases of multiple ways and images so that appear sometimes in the body that you may touch, and sometimes manifested in the form of beloved and sacred ideal that deserves love and adoration; The love manifested in the diverse meanings and mottos as physical joy, property, and pleasure, and over the property, and suicide, and the practice of death, and immortality, and jumping, and ... etc., so that we cannot limit Nizarâs muddledthought which is reflected in the special meaning of love; however, what we can say is that Nizar was carrying on his body the pain of society, and this is what is clearly reflected in his poems. He knocked on every door so that this issue shows, and then find solutions for it. In this research we tried to touch upon this topic in a concise and brief way.