Study and Reviewing of the Theories of Lexicon and Conjugation by Ibn Genni in the Book “Al-khasāex”
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesFirooz Harirchi 1 , Bagher Kargar 2
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Keywords: المعنی, اتفاق, اختلاف, الإعراب, اللفظ, اللهجات, Ibn Geni, al khasaes, alsarfie, nahvie,
Abstract :
This study has been derived from my doctorate thesis entitled as ‘’Al derasate val tahghigh hula area alsarfie val nahvie Leibn Geni fi ketabeh al khasaes’’ Which while expressing a little about life and literature of Ibne Geni, explain the subject of accent variations in terms of meaning and structure. It is believed that Ibn Geni in 321 (H-Gh) was born in Mousel. Some believe that his name has been derived from the word »Genayous« which means great and noble and his father way a slave from Bizans. Ibn Geni produced many works about such topics ay conjugation, lexicon, reading, poetry and literature, grammar and etymology. Among au of his works which exceed 60T Alkhases is the greatest book from which this paper has been taken: Ibn Geni has a lot of various inventions and innovations in Arabic science. He also has expressed interesting theories in his book. One of these theories the topic of my own study is the subject of accent variations and the effect of meaning and grammar on them. Some grammatical concepts and meaning have been explained in this paper. Then, part of these varieties has been mentioned and compared with other experts’ points of view. Moreover, it has been tried to examine the varieties in term of meaning so that, for example, two accents are the same in terms of a word, but in terms of meaning they are not similar and even they are sometimes contradictory. After that, accent variation has been studied in terms of grammar; furthermore, some instances of this variation. Have been expressed and the reason why one accent has been preferred over another have been mentioned. Finally, the results of this study have been expressed.
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