A study and Analysis on Allusive Images Implications in Razouk Faraj Razzouk Poems
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesMaryam Rahmati 1 , Ashraf Mane' Farhood 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Razi University
2 - Post Graduate, Arabic Language & Literature, Razi University
Keywords: الرمز, الأسطورة, myth, mystery, الشعر العراقی, الصورة الشعریة, رزوق فرج رزوق, Iraqi poetry, poetic image, Razouk Faraj Razzouk,
Abstract :
Razouk Faraj Razzouk is one of the 20th century Iraqi poets who played special role in cooperation with Nazik al-Malaika and Badr Shakir al Sayyab in foundation of "Ekhwan Abqar" association. He had applied allusion technique in depicting most of his works in order to envoy his main message; thus he used different mythical, religious and historical mysteries derived from nature. The present article attempts to initially study poetic images as keys to enter the mystical issues in general in descriptive – analytical method and then analyzes mystical images of the abovementioned poet. The aim of the present paper is to introduce the literary and scientific character of Razouk Faraj Razzouk and studying his poetic mysteries and their beauties. He could create new approach in preparing poetic symbols and that's why he knows as a different poet amongst his contemporaries.
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