Examination of structure in Hoboubi Najafi,s elegies
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesNahede Fouzi 1 , Maryam Peykanpour 2 , Sad Jaberiani 3
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Keywords: الشعر العراقی المعاصر, الحبوبی, النجف, هیکلیة القصائد, عناصر القصائد, Contemporary Poem, Iraq, Hoboubi Nadjafi, structure of elegies, elements of elegies,
Abstract :
The fivefold elements of elegy which has come from classical Arabic criticism has special place in Hoboubi,s poem.Hoboubi, like his other contemporaries, insisted on using these elements and applied their rules and regulations on the basis of the former critics,s ideas in his poem well and nicely. He believed that the elements of the ancient poem are valuable heritage in literature which is remained from predecessors. And first, every poet must try to apply them nicely in his poem. Second, a poet must try to achieve the goal of creating new literal works out of traditional styles of poems. In this examination we see that Hoboubi has used special talent and genius in selecting anice opening verse and agreement of the contents of opening verse with the poems and its end.
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